Détail du document


Mwanza, Jonathan Doherty, Tanya Lubeya, Mwansa Ketty Gray, Glenda E. Mutale, Wilbroad Kawonga, Mary

BioMed Central


Medicine & Public Health



Date de référencement


Mots clés
sample referral system pmtct turnaround time health system laboratory and diagnostic services data hiv facilities system testing laboratory pmtct health


Introduction Reliable and timely laboratory results are crucial for monitoring the Prevention of the Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) cascade, particularly to enable early HIV diagnosis and early intervention.

We sought to explore whether and how laboratory services have been prepared to absorb new testing requirements following PMTCT Test-and-Treat policy changes in three districts of Zambia.

Method We employed in-depth interviews and thematic data analysis, informed by the health system dynamic framework.

Twenty-Six health workers were purposively selected and a document review of laboratory services in the context of PMTCT was undertaken.

All face-to-face interviews were conducted in three local government areas in the Copperbelt Province (one urban and two rural) between February 2019 and July 2020.

We extracted notes and markings from the transcripts for coding.

Different codes were sorted into potential themes and the data extracted were put within the identified themes.

Trustworthiness was confirmed by keeping records of all data field notes, transcripts, and reflexive journals.

Results The findings revealed that the health system inputs (infrastructure and supplies, human resources, knowledge, and information and finance) and service delivery were unequal between the rural and urban sites, and this affected the ability of health facilities to apply the new testing requirements, especially, in the rural-based health facilities.

The major barriers identified include gaps in the capacity of the existing laboratory system to perform crucial PMTCT clinical and surveillance functions in a coordinated manner and insufficient skilled human resources to absorb the increased testing demands.

The centralized laboratory system for HIV testing of mothers and exposed neonates meant facilities had to send specimens to other facilities and districts which resulted in high turnaround time and hence delayed HIV diagnosis.

Conclusion New guidelines implemented without sufficient capacitation of health system laboratory capacity severely limited the effectiveness of PMTCT program implementation.

This study documented the areas relating to health system inputs and laboratory service delivery where greater support to enable the absorption of the new testing requirements is needed.

Mwanza, Jonathan,Doherty, Tanya,Lubeya, Mwansa Ketty,Gray, Glenda E.,Mutale, Wilbroad,Kawonga, Mary, 2023, Laboratory services in the context of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV testing requirements in Copperbelt Province, Zambia: a qualitative inquiry, BioMed Central





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