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Cardano, Miriana Magni, Martina Alfieri, Roberta Chan, Siu Yuen Sabbioneda, Simone Buscemi, Giacomo Zannini, Laura



Life Sciences



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regulation response accumulation protein cell tspyl2 cancer cells


Females have a lower probability to develop somatic cancers and a better response to chemotherapy than males.

However, the reasons for these differences are still not well understood.

The X-linked gene TSPY-Like 2 (TSPYL2) encodes for a putative tumor suppressor protein involved in cell cycle regulation and DNA damage response (DDR) pathways.

Here, we demonstrate that in unstressed conditions TSPYL2 is maintained at low levels by MDM2-dependent ubiquitination and proteasome degradation.

Upon genotoxic stress, E2F1 promotes TSPYL2 expression and protein accumulation in non-transformed cell lines.

Conversely, in cancer cells, TSPYL2 accumulates only in females or in those male cancer cells that lost the Y-chromosome during the oncogenic process.

Hence, we demonstrate that while TSPYL2 mRNA is induced in all the tested tumor cell lines after DNA damage, TSPYL2 protein stability is increased only in female cancer cells.

Indeed, we found that TSPYL2 accumulation, in male cancer cells, is prevented by the Y-encoded protein SRY, which modulates MDM2 protein levels.

In addition, we demonstrated that TSPYL2 accumulation is required to sustain cell growth arrest after DNA damage, possibly contributing to protect normal and female cancer cells from tumor progression.

Accordingly, TSPYL2 has been found more frequently mutated in female-specific cancers.

These findings demonstrate for the first time a sex-specific regulation of TSPYL2 in the DDR of cancer cells and confirm the existence of sexual dimorphism in DNA surveillance pathways.

Cardano, Miriana,Magni, Martina,Alfieri, Roberta,Chan, Siu Yuen,Sabbioneda, Simone,Buscemi, Giacomo,Zannini, Laura, 2023, Sex specific regulation of TSPY-Like 2 in the DNA damage response of cancer cells, Nature





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