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Bede, Peter Murad, Aizuri Lope, Jasmin Hardiman, Orla Chang, Kai Ming



Medicine & Public Health



listing date


amyotrophic lateral sclerosis neuroimaging biomarkers motor neuron disease diffusion imaging clinical trials patients profiles subtypes clinical based disease


Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is associated with considerable clinical heterogeneity spanning from diverse disability profiles, differences in UMN/LMN involvement, divergent progression rates, to variability in frontotemporal dysfunction.

A multitude of classification frameworks and staging systems have been proposed based on clinical and neuropsychological characteristics, but disease subtypes are seldom defined based on anatomical patterns of disease burden without a prior clinical stratification.

A prospective research study was conducted with a uniform imaging protocol to ascertain disease subtypes based on preferential cerebral involvement.

Fifteen brain regions were systematically evaluated in each participant based on a comprehensive panel of cortical, subcortical and white matter integrity metrics.

Using min–max scaled composite regional integrity scores, a two-step cluster analysis was conducted.

Two radiological clusters were identified; 35.5% of patients belonging to ‘Cluster 1’ and 64.5% of patients segregating to ‘Cluster 2’.

Subjects in Cluster 1 exhibited marked frontotemporal change.

Predictor ranking revealed the following hierarchy of anatomical regions in decreasing importance: superior lateral temporal, inferior frontal, superior frontal, parietal, limbic, mesial inferior temporal, peri-Sylvian, subcortical, long association fibres, commissural, occipital, ‘sensory’, ‘motor’, cerebellum, and brainstem.

While the majority of imaging studies first stratify patients based on clinical criteria or genetic profiles to describe phenotype- and genotype-associated imaging signatures, a data-driven approach may identify distinct disease subtypes without a priori patient categorisation.

Our study illustrates that large radiology datasets may be potentially utilised to uncover disease subtypes associated with unique genetic, clinical or prognostic profiles.

Bede, Peter,Murad, Aizuri,Lope, Jasmin,Hardiman, Orla,Chang, Kai Ming, 2022, Clusters of anatomical disease-burden patterns in ALS: a data-driven approach confirms radiological subtypes, Springer





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