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Seo, Gabriella T. Minkowitz, Jeremy Kapustin, Danielle A. Fan, Jun Minkowitz, Gerald Minkowitz, Miriam Dowling, Eric Matloob, Ammar Asti, Divya Dhar, Meekoo Shutty, Christopher Brickman, Alan Urken, Mark L. Brandwein-Weber, Margaret Finkelstein, Sydney D.

BioMed Central


Medicine & Public Health



listing date


malignant struma ovarii papillary thyroid cancer loss of heterozygosity microrna subcentimeter ovarii tumor expression loss ptc struma mso thyroid malignant


Background Struma ovarii is an unusual ovarian teratoma containing predominantly thyroid tissue.

Less than 10% of cases undergo malignant transformation in the thyroid tissue and are considered malignant struma ovarii (MSO).

MSO have been reported with concurrent thyroid lesions, but molecular data is lacking.

Case presentation A 42-year-old female developed MSO and synchronous multifocal subcentimeter papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC).

The patient underwent a salpingo-oophrectomy, thyroidectomy, and low-dose radioactive iodine ablation.

Both the thyroid subcentimeter PTC and MSO were positive for BRAF V600E mutation, and microRNA expression profiles were similar across all tumor deposits.

However, only the malignant component demonstrated extensive loss of heterozygosity (LOH) involving multiple tumor suppressor gene (TSG) chromosomal loci.

Conclusions We present the first reported case of MSO with synchronous multifocal subcentimeter PTC in the thyroid containing concordant BRAF V600E mutations and resulting with discordant LOH findings.

This data suggests that loss of expression in tumor suppressor gene(s) may be an important contributor to phenotypic expression of malignancy.

Seo, Gabriella T.,Minkowitz, Jeremy,Kapustin, Danielle A.,Fan, Jun,Minkowitz, Gerald,Minkowitz, Miriam,Dowling, Eric,Matloob, Ammar,Asti, Divya,Dhar, Meekoo,Shutty, Christopher,Brickman, Alan,Urken, Mark L.,Brandwein-Weber, Margaret,Finkelstein, Sydney D., 2023, Synchronous thyroid cancer and malignant struma ovarii: concordant mutations and microRNA profile, discordant loss of heterozygosity loci, BioMed Central





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