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Bosselaar, Sabine Dhelin, Lucile Dautel, Ellena Titecat, Marie Duthoy, Stéphanie Stelmaszczyk, Marie Delory, Nathan Sousa Violante, Madeleine Machuron, François Ait-Abderrahim, Hassina Desreumaux, Pierre Foligné, Benoit Monnet, Céline

BioMed Central





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bifidobacteria inflammatory bowel diseases microbiota culturomics functional characterization potential probiotic taxonomic microbiota bifidobacteria isolated intestinal crohn’s dentium disease patients ibd strains colitis ulcerative activity


Background Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) are a major public health issue with unclear aetiology.

Changes in the composition and functionality of the intestinal microbiota are associated with these pathologies, including the depletion of strict anaerobes such as Feacalibacterium prausnitzii .

Less evidence is observed for depletion in other anaerobes, among which bifidobacteria.

This study characterized the taxonomic and functional diversity of bifidobacteria isolated from the human intestinal microbiota in active and non-active IBD patients by a culturomics approach and evaluated if these bifidobacteria might be used as probiotics for gut health.

Results A total of 341 bifidobacteria were isolated from the intestinal microbiota of IBD patients (52 Crohn’s disease and 26 ulcerative colitis patients), with a high proportion of Bifidobacterium dentium strains (28% of isolated bifidobacteria).

In ulcerative colitis, the major species identified was B. dentium (39% of isolated bifidobacteria), in active and non-active ulcerative colitis.

In Crohn’s disease, B. adolescentis was the major species isolated from non-active patients (40%), while similar amounts of B. dentium and B. adolescentis were found in active Crohn’s disease patients.

The relative abundance of B. dentium was increased with age, both in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and active and non-active IBD patients.

Antibacterial capacities of bifidobacteria isolated from non-active ulcerative colitis against Escherichia coli LF82 and Salmonella enterica ATCC 14028 were observed more often compared to strains isolated from active ulcerative colitis.

Finally, B. longum were retained as strains with the highest probiotic potential as they were the major strains presenting exopolysaccharide synthesis, antibacterial activity, and anti-inflammatory capacities.

Antimicrobial activity and EPS synthesis were further correlated to the presence of antimicrobial and EPS gene clusters by in silico analysis.

Conclusions Different bifidobacterial taxonomic profiles were identified in the microbiota of IBD patients.

The most abundant species were B. dentium , mainly associated to the microbiota of ulcerative colitis patients and B. adolescentis , in the intestinal microbiota of Crohn’s disease patients.

Additionally, the relative abundance of B. dentium significantly increased with age.

Furthermore, this study evidenced that bifidobacteria with probiotic potential (antipathogenic activity, exopolysaccharide production and anti-inflammatory activity), especially B. longum strains, can be isolated from the intestinal microbiota of both active and non-active Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis patients.

Bosselaar, Sabine,Dhelin, Lucile,Dautel, Ellena,Titecat, Marie,Duthoy, Stéphanie,Stelmaszczyk, Marie,Delory, Nathan,Sousa Violante, Madeleine,Machuron, François,Ait-Abderrahim, Hassina,Desreumaux, Pierre,Foligné, Benoit,Monnet, Céline, 2024, Taxonomic and phenotypic analysis of bifidobacteria isolated from IBD patients as potential probiotic strains, BioMed Central





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