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Ling, Qiong Zhang, Junhong Zhong, Lin Li, Xiangyu Sun, Tianning Xiang, Hongbing Manyande, Anne Zhao, Gaofeng Shi, Yongyong Zhu, Qianqian

BioMed Central





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gut microbiota chronic restraint stress cognitive deficits ... mice stress stress-induced muricomes < 0 crs-cd results cognitive deficits crs-ncd gut microbiota vs


Background Chronic stress induces cognitive deficits.

There is a well-established connection between the enteric and central nervous systems through the microbiota-gut-brain (MGB) axis.

However, the effects of the gut microbiota on cognitive deficits remain unclear.

The present study aimed to elucidate the microbiota composition in cognitive deficits and explore its potential in predicting chronic stress-induced cognitive deficits.

Methods Mice were randomly divided into control and chronic restraint stress (CRS) groups.

The mice subjected to CRS were further divided into cognitive deficit (CRS-CD) and non-cognitive deficit (CRS-NCD) groups using hierarchical cluster analysis of novel object recognition test results.

The composition and diversity of the gut microbiota were analyzed.

Results After being subjected to chronic restraint distress, the CRS-CD mice travelled shorter movement distances ( p  = 0.034 vs. CRS-NCD; p  < 0.001 vs. control) and had a lower recognition index than the CRS-NCD ( p  < 0.0001 vs. CRS-NCD; p  < 0.0001 vs. control) and control mice.

The results revealed that 5 gut bacteria at genus levels were significantly different in the fecal samples of mice in the three groups.

Further analyses demonstrated that Muricomes were not only significantly enriched in the CRS-CD group but also correlated with a decreased cognitive index.

The area under the receiver operating curve of Muricomes for CRS-induced cognitive deficits was 0.96.

Conclusions Our study indicates that the composition of the gut microbiota is involved in the development of cognitive deficits induced by chronic restraint stress.

Further analysis revealed that Muricomes have the potential to predict the development of chronic stress-induced cognitive deficits in mice.

Ling, Qiong,Zhang, Junhong,Zhong, Lin,Li, Xiangyu,Sun, Tianning,Xiang, Hongbing,Manyande, Anne,Zhao, Gaofeng,Shi, Yongyong,Zhu, Qianqian, 2024, The role of gut microbiota in chronic restraint stress-induced cognitive deficits in mice, BioMed Central





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