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Case Report
Yang, Qingqing Lyu, Jiajie Gui, Yu Yu, Shuling Chen, Jiajie Zhang, Haoxue Liu, Shengxiu

BioMed Central


Allergy, Asthma, and Clinical Immunology : Official Journal of the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology



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pn report papules plaque treatment secukinumab psoriasis


BACKGROUND: Secukinumab has been approved by the U.S. FDA and the European Medicines Agency for the treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis with the documented adverse effects.

Here we reported in one case that a new symptom, Prurigo Nodularis (PN), developed during the programmed dosing of secukinumab.

CASE INTRODUCTION: A 22-years-old male with a 6-month history of severe plaque psoriasis vulgaris was presented to the dermatology clinic two weeks after the fifth serial weekly doses of secukinumab, for the reason of the outbreaks of multiple erythematous papules and pruritus nodules on the trunk and extremities.

Physical examination showed that psoriatic rash were under effective control with the previous targeted therapy of secukinumab for plaque psoriasis vulgaris, but new dermatologic condition was spotted with multiple edematous red firm papules on the trunk and extremities, in the form of soy or hemispherical nodules, red in color, firm to touch, with some ulcerated crusts visible at tops, but negative Auspitz sign.

Pathological examination confirmed these papules as PN.

CONCLUSION: This case report is shared to inform clinicians about an unannounced adverse effect of the secukinumab in the treatment of psoriasis, and it is recommended that patients be carefully informed of the possible risk of PN before starting treatment.

Yang, Qingqing,Lyu, Jiajie,Gui, Yu,Yu, Shuling,Chen, Jiajie,Zhang, Haoxue,Liu, Shengxiu, 2023, Prurigo Nodularis onset during secukinumab treatment of psoriasis: a case report, BioMed Central


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