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Original Research Article
Prajapat, Manisha Singh, Harvinder Chaudhary, Gajendra Sarma, Phulen Kaur, Gurjeet Prakash Patel, Ajay Medhi, Bikash

SAGE Publications


Bioinformatics and Biology Insights



listing date


binding potential molecular alzheimer disease dkk1 compounds lrp6


The activation of the Wnt signaling pathway is implicated in a neuroprotective mechanism against the Alzheimer disease.

When this pathway is blocked, it activates GSK3 beta, leading to tau hyperphosphorylation and the apoptosis of neurons.

Dickkopf-related protein 1 (DKK1) is a protein that competes with the Wnt ligand for the low-density lipoprotein receptor–related protein 6 (LRP6) receptor’s binding, interrupting the Wnt-induced Fzd-Wnt-LRP6 complex.

This counteracts Wnt’s neuroprotective effect and contributes to the progression of the Alzheimer disease.

The aim of this study was to use in silico approach to develop new agents that can combat the Alzheimer disease by targeting the interaction between DKK1 and LRP6.

To achieve this, we conducted a virtual screening (Vsw) of the Asinex-CNS database library (n = 54 513) compounds against a generated grid in LRP6 protein.

From this screening, we selected 6 compounds based on their docking score and performed molecular mechanics-generalized Born surface area (MM-GBSA) binding energy calculations on the selected ligands.

Next, we evaluated the Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion (ADME) results of the 6 screened compounds using the Quick prop module of Schrödinger.

We then employed several computational techniques, including PCA (Principal Component Analysis), DCCM (Dynamic Cross-Correlation Map), molecular dynamics simulation, and molecular mechanics/Poisson-Boltzmann surface area (MM/PBSA)–based negative binding free energy (BFE) calculation, to further analyze the compounds.

Our extensive computational analysis resulted in the identification of 3 potential hits, LAS 29757582, LAS 29984441, and LAS 29757942.

These compounds were found to block the interaction of DKK1 with LRP6 (A and B interface) protein, and their potential as therapeutic agents was supported by negative BFE calculation.

Therefore, these compounds show potential as possible therapeutic agents for treating the Alzheimer disease through targeting the interaction between DKK1 and LRP6.

Prajapat, Manisha,Singh, Harvinder,Chaudhary, Gajendra,Sarma, Phulen,Kaur, Gurjeet,Prakash Patel, Ajay,Medhi, Bikash, 2023, A Novel Inhibitor of DKK1/LRP6 Interactions Against the Alzheimer Disease: An Insilco Approach, SAGE Publications


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