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Quantitative Finance - Trading and... Computer Science - Artificial Inte... Computer Science - Computational E... Statistics - Machine Learning
Chauhan, Anishka Mayur, Pratham Gokarakonda, Yeshwanth Sai Jamie, Pooriya Mehrotra, Naman

Computer Science



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cnn predicting paper intelligence using models stock


This paper presents price prediction models using Machine Learning algorithms augmented with Superforecasters predictions, aimed at enhancing investment decisions.

Five Machine Learning models are built, including Bidirectional LSTM, ARIMA, a combination of CNN and LSTM, GRU, and a model built using LSTM and GRU algorithms.

The models are evaluated using the Mean Absolute Error to determine their predictive accuracy.

Additionally, the paper suggests incorporating human intelligence by identifying Superforecasters and tracking their predictions to anticipate unpredictable shifts or changes in stock prices .

The predictions made by these users can further enhance the accuracy of stock price predictions when combined with Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing techniques.

Predicting the price of any commodity can be a significant task but predicting the price of a stock in the stock market deals with much more uncertainty.

Recognising the limited knowledge and exposure to stocks among certain investors, this paper proposes price prediction models using Machine Learning algorithms.

In this work, five Machine learning models are built using Bidirectional LSTM, ARIMA, a combination of CNN and LSTM, GRU and the last one is built using LSTM and GRU algorithms.

Later these models are assessed using MAE scores to find which model is predicting with the highest accuracy.

In addition to this, this paper also suggests the use of human intelligence to closely predict the shift in price patterns in the stock market The main goal is to identify Superforecasters and track their predictions to anticipate unpredictable shifts or changes in stock prices.

By leveraging the combined power of Machine Learning and the Human Intelligence, predictive accuracy can be significantly increased.

;Comment: Keywords: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, LSTM, GRU, ARMA, CNN, NLP, ANN, SVM, BSE, NIFTY, MAE, MSE, BiLSTM .

Published in SSRN Journal

Chauhan, Anishka,Mayur, Pratham,Gokarakonda, Yeshwanth Sai,Jamie, Pooriya,Mehrotra, Naman, 2024, Indian Stock Market Prediction using Augmented Financial Intelligence ML





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