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Research Articles
Mishra, Abhishek Serbe-Kamp, Etienne Borst, Alexander Haag, Juergen

Society for Neuroscience


The Journal of Neuroscience



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drosophila membrane neural neurons information signal cascade cells responses signals voltage


An important step in neural information processing is the transformation of membrane voltage into calcium signals leading to transmitter release.

However, the effect of voltage to calcium transformation on neural responses to different sensory stimuli is not well understood.

Here, we use in vivo two-photon imaging of genetically encoded voltage and calcium indicators, ArcLight and GCaMP6f, respectively, to measure responses in direction-selective T4 neurons of female Drosophila.

Comparison between ArcLight and GCaMP6f signals reveals calcium signals to have a significantly higher direction selectivity compared with voltage signals.

Using these recordings, we build a model which transforms T4 voltage responses into calcium responses.

Using a cascade of thresholding, temporal filtering and a stationary nonlinearity, the model reproduces experimentally measured calcium responses across different visual stimuli.

These findings provide a mechanistic underpinning of the voltage to calcium transformation and show how this processing step, in addition to synaptic mechanisms on the dendrites of T4 cells, enhances direction selectivity in the output signal of T4 neurons.

Measuring the directional tuning of postsynaptic vertical system (VS)-cells with inputs from other cells blocked, we found that, indeed, it matches the one of the calcium signal in presynaptic T4 cells.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The transformation of voltage to calcium influx is an important step in the signaling cascade within a nerve cell.

While this process has been intensely studied in the context of transmitter release mechanism, its consequences for information transmission and neural computation are unclear.

Here, we measured both membrane voltage and cytosolic calcium levels in direction-selective cells of Drosophila in response to a large set of visual stimuli.

We found direction selectivity in the calcium signal to be significantly enhanced compared with membrane voltage through a nonlinear transformation of voltage to calcium.

Our findings highlight the importance of an additional step in the signaling cascade for information processing within single nerve cells.

Mishra, Abhishek,Serbe-Kamp, Etienne,Borst, Alexander,Haag, Juergen, 2023, Voltage to Calcium Transformation Enhances Direction Selectivity in Drosophila T4 Neurons, Society for Neuroscience


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