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Astrophysics - High Energy Astroph...
Ruffini, R. Bianco, C. L. Li, Liang Mirtorabi, M. T. Moradi, R. Rastegarnia, F. Rueda, J. A. Zhang, S. R. Wang, Y.

sciences: astrophysics



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core ns leads binary sn


The observation of a gamma-ray burst (GRB) associated with a supernova (SN) coincides remarkably with the energy output from a binary system comprising a very massive carbon-oxygen (CO) core and an associated binary neutron star (NS) by the Binary-Driven Hypernova (BdHN) model.

The dragging effect in the late evolution of such systems leads to co-rotation, with binary periods on the order of minutes, resulting in a very fast rotating core and a binary NS companion at a distance of $\sim 10^5$ km.

Such a fast-rotating CO core, stripped of its hydrogen and helium, undergoes gravitational collapse and, within a fraction of seconds, leads to a supernova (SN) and a newly born, fast-spinning neutron star ($\nu$NS), we name the emergence of the SN and the $\nu$NS as the SN-rise and $\nu$NS-rise.

Typically, the SN energies range from $10^{51}$ to $10^{53}$ erg.

We address this issue by examining 10 cases of Type-I BdHNe, the most energetic ones, in which SN accretion onto the companion NS leads to the formation of a black hole (BH).

In all ten cases, the energetics of the SN events are estimated, ranging between $0.18$ and $12 \times 10^{52}$ erg.

Additionally, in all 8 sources at redshift $z$ closer than $4.61$, a clear thermal blackbody component has been identified, with temperatures between $6.2$ and $39.99$ keV, as a possible signature of pair-driven SN.

The triggering of the X-ray afterglow induced by the $\nu$NS-rise are identified in three cases at high redshift where early X-ray observations are achievable, benefits from the interplay of cosmological effects.

;Comment: The previous version was uploaded on arXiv before being submitted to any Journal, this new version matches the one actually submitted for publication

Ruffini, R.,Bianco, C. L.,Li, Liang,Mirtorabi, M. T.,Moradi, R.,Rastegarnia, F.,Rueda, J. A.,Zhang, S. R.,Wang, Y., 2024, Ten Supernova-rise in Binary Driven Gamma-ray Bursts





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