sciences: astrophysics
Lenticular galaxies (S0s) in the local universe are generally absent of recent star formation and lack molecular gas.
In this paper, we investigate one massive ($M_*$$\sim$5$\times10^{10}$ M$_\odot$) star-forming S0, PGC 39535, with the Northern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA).
Using optical data from SDSS-IV MaNGA survey, we find star formation mainly concentrates in the central region of PGC 39535.
The total star formation rate estimated using extinction-corrected H$\alpha$ flux is 1.57 M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$.
Results of NOEMA observation suggest that the molecular gas mainly concentrates in the central regions as a gaseous bar and a ring-like structure, and shows similar kinematics as the stellar and ionized gas components.
The total molecular gas mass estimated from CO(1-0) is (5.42$\pm$1.52)$\times$10$^{9}$ M$_{\odot}$.
We find PGC 39535 lies on the star-forming main sequence, but falls below Kennicutt-Schmidt relation of spiral galaxies, suggesting that the star formation efficiency may be suppressed by the massive bulge.
The existence of a second Gaussian component in the CO spectrum of the central region indicates possible gas flows.
Furthermore, our analyses suggest that PGC 39535 resides in the center of a massive group and the derived star formation history indicates it may experience a series of gas-rich mergers over the past 2$\sim$7 Gyr.
;Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ
Cui, Jiantong,Gu, Qiusheng,Lu, Shiying,Chen, Zhengyi,Xu, Can,Gao, Zeyu, 2024, Abundant Molecular Gas in the Central Region of Lenticular Galaxy PGC 39535