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Nuclear Theory Astrophysics - High Energy Astroph... High Energy Physics - Phenomenolog...
Cruz-Camacho, Nikolas Kumar, Rajesh Pelicer, Mateus Reinke Peterson, Jeff Manning, T. Andrew Haas, Roland Dexheimer, Veronica Noronha-Hostler, Jaquelyn

sciences: astrophysics



listing date


potentials model chemical phases quark \texttt{cmf++} hadronic phase


In this paper we explore independently for the first time three chemical potentials (baryon $\mu_B$, charged $\mu_Q$, and strange $\mu_S$) in the Chiral mean-field (CMF) model.

We designed and implemented \texttt{CMF++}, a new version of the CMF model rewritten in \texttt{C++} that is optimized, modular, and well-documented.

\texttt{CMF++} has been integrated into the MUSES Calculation Engine as a free and open source software module.

The runtime improved in more than 4 orders of magnitude across all 3 chemical potentials, when compared to the legacy code.

Here we focus on the zero temperature case and study stable, as well as metastable and unstable, vacuum, hadronic, and quark phases, showing how phase boundaries vary with the different chemical potentials.

Due to the significant numerical improvements in \texttt{CMF++}, we can calculate for the first time high-order susceptibilities within the CMF framework to study the properties of the quark deconfinement phase transition.

We found phases of matter that include a light hadronic phase, strangeness-dominated hadronic phase, and quark deconfinement within our $\mu_B$, $\mu_S$, $\mu_Q$ phase space.

The phase transitions are of first, second (quantum critical point), and third order between these phases and we even identified a tricritical point.

;Comment: 63 pages, 22 figures

Cruz-Camacho, Nikolas,Kumar, Rajesh,Pelicer, Mateus Reinke,Peterson, Jeff,Manning, T. Andrew,Haas, Roland,Dexheimer, Veronica,Noronha-Hostler, Jaquelyn, 2024, Phase Stability in the 3-Dimensional Open-source Code for the Chiral mean-field Model





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