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Astrophysics - Instrumentation and... Astrophysics - High Energy Astroph...
Tavernier, Thomas Jurysek, Jakub Novotný, Vladimir Heller, Matthieu Mandat, Dusan Pech, Miroslav Araudo, A. Alispach, C. M. Beshley, V. Blazek, J. Borkowski, J. Boula, S. Bulik, T. Cadoux, F. Casanova, S. Christov, A. Chytka, L. Favre, Y. Gieras, T. Hamal, P. Hrabovsky, M. Jelinek, M. Karas, V. Gibaud, L. Lyard, É. Mach, E. Michal, S. Michalowksi, J. Moderski, R. Montaruli, T. Muthyala, S. R. Muraczewski, A. Nalewajski, K. Nagai, A. Neise, D. Niemiec, J. Nikolajuk, M. Palatka, M. Prouza, M. Rajda, P. Schovanek, P. Seweryn, K. Sliusar, V. Stawarz, L. Strobl, J. Swierk, P. Świerblewski, J. Travnicek, P. Ostrowski, M. Vicha, J. Della Volpe, D. Walter, R. Marek, W. Zagdański, A. Ziȩtara, K.

sciences: astrophysics



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SST-1M is a prototype of a single-mirror Small Size Telescope developed by a consortium of institutes from Poland, Switzerland and the Czech Republic.

With a wide field of view of 9 degrees, SST-1Ms are designed to detect gamma-rays in the energy range between 1 and 300 TeV.

The design of the SST-1M follows the Davies-Cotton concept, with a 9.42m2 multi-segment mirror.

SST-1M is equipped with DigiCam camera, which features a fully digital readout and trigger system using 250 MHz ADC, and a compact Photo-Detector Plane (PDP) composed of 1296 pixels, each made of a hexagonal light guide coupled to silicone photomultipliers (SiPM).

Two SST-1M telescopes are currently being commissioned at the Ondrejov Observatory in the Czech Republic, where they are successfully observing Cerenkov events in stereo.

This contribution will present an overview of calibration strategies and performance evaluation based on data collected at the observatory.

;Comment: Volume 444 - 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023)

Tavernier, Thomas,Jurysek, Jakub,Novotný, Vladimir,Heller, Matthieu,Mandat, Dusan,Pech, Miroslav,Araudo, A.,Alispach, C. M.,Beshley, V.,Blazek, J.,Borkowski, J.,Boula, S.,Bulik, T.,Cadoux, F.,Casanova, S.,Christov, A.,Chytka, L.,Favre, Y.,Gieras, T.,Hamal, P.,Hrabovsky, M.,Jelinek, M.,Karas, V.,Gibaud, L.,Lyard, É.,Mach, E.,Michal, S.,Michalowksi, J.,Moderski, R.,Montaruli, T.,Muthyala, S. R.,Muraczewski, A.,Nalewajski, K.,Nagai, A.,Neise, D.,Niemiec, J.,Nikolajuk, M.,Palatka, M.,Prouza, M.,Rajda, P.,Schovanek, P.,Seweryn, K.,Sliusar, V.,Stawarz, L.,Strobl, J.,Swierk, P.,Świerblewski, J.,Travnicek, P.,Ostrowski, M.,Vicha, J.,Della Volpe, D.,Walter, R.,Marek, W.,Zagdański, A.,Ziȩtara, K., 2024, Analysis of commissioning data from SST-1M : A Prototype of Single-Mirror Small Size Telescope





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