sciences: astrophysics
We present and discuss two catalogues of UV-selected (NUV $< 22.8$ mag) galaxies that lie within a 200 deg$^2$ area of sky covered by the ASKAP FLASH survey and have an impact parameter of less than 20 arcsec to a FLASH radio continuum source.
These catalogues are designed to enable a future search for
21 cm HI absorption in and around star-forming galaxies at redshift $0.4 We outline the production of this UV-bright dataset, which has optical
spectroscopy from the WiggleZ and SDSS surveys and a median redshift of
$\sim0.6$. Analysis of the optical spectra, using multiple diagnostic diagrams,
shows that galaxies with an impact parameter of less than 5 arcsec are likely
to be physically associated with the radio source and are five times more
likely to be an AGN than objects without a radio match. Conversely, objects
with impact factors between 5 and 20 arcsec are largely (>80 percent)
star-forming and resemble the overall WiggleZ population. The ($g - i$) colour
evolution with redshift is consistent with a history of active star-formation,
but the radio-associated objects are typically redder and have colours similar
to high-excitation radio galaxies. The redshift distribution of the two
catalogues matches the overall distribution for WiggleZ galaxies, despite their
otherwise rare radio properties. These catalogues can be expanded in future as
new radio data become available, and a forthcoming paper will present the HI
absorption results. ;Comment: 22 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS
Eden, Sophie L.,Sadler, Elaine M.,Pimbblet, Kevin A.,Mahony, Elizabeth K.,Yoon, Hyein, 2024, A search for HI absorption in distant star-forming galaxies with ASKAP-FLASH -- I. Selection and analysis of the radio sample