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Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar A... Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Gal... Astrophysics - High Energy Astroph...
Shara, Michael M. Lanzetta, Kenneth M. Masegian, Alexandra Garland, James T. Gromoll, Stefan Mikolajewska, Joanna Misiura, Mikita Valls-Gabaud, David Walter, Frederick M. Webb, John K.

sciences: astrophysics



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ejecta light predict narrowband recurrent astrophysics nova


A century or less separates the thermonuclear-powered eruptions of recurrent novae in the hydrogen-rich envelopes of massive white dwarfs.

The colliding ejecta of successive recurrent nova events are predicted to always generate very large (tens of parsecs) super-remnants; only two examples are currently known.

T CrB offers an excellent opportunity to test this prediction.

As it will almost certainly undergo its next, once-in ~80-year recurrent nova event between 2024 and 2026, we carried out very deep narrowband and continuum imaging to search for the predicted, piled-up ejecta of the past millenia.

While nothing is detected in continuum or narrowband [OIII] images, a ~30-parsec-diameter, faint nebulosity surrounding T CrB is clearly present in deep Halpha, [NII] and [SII] narrowband Condor Array Telescope imagery.

We predict that these newly detected nebulosities, as well as the recent ejecta that have not yet reached the super-remnant, are far too optically-thin to capture all but a tiny fraction of the photons emitted by RN flashes.

We thus predict that fluorescent light echoes will NOT be detectable following the imminent nova flash of T CrB.

Dust may be released by the T CrB red giant wind in pre-eruption outbursts, but we have no reliable estimates of its quantity or geometrical distribution.

While we cannot predict the morphology or intensity of dust-induced continuum light echoes following the coming flash, we encourage multi-epoch Hubble Space Telescope optical imaging as well as James Webb Space Telescope infrared imaging of T CrB during the year after it erupts.

;Comment: 14 pages, 6 Figures, in press in The Astrophysical Journal Letters

Shara, Michael M.,Lanzetta, Kenneth M.,Masegian, Alexandra,Garland, James T.,Gromoll, Stefan,Mikolajewska, Joanna,Misiura, Mikita,Valls-Gabaud, David,Walter, Frederick M.,Webb, John K., 2024, The Newly Discovered Nova Super-Remnant Surrounding Recurrent Nova T Coronae Borealis: Will it Light Up During the Coming Eruption?





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