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Walker, Daisy Moucheraud, Corrina Butler, Derrick Vente, Jerome Tangonan, Kevin Shoptaw, Steven Currier, Judith S. Gladstein, Jay Hoffman, Risa

BioMed Central


Medicine & Public Health



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hiv telemedicine qualitative benefits challenges clinical policy programmatic experiences plhiv visits hiv video telemedicine


Background The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has resulted in an increase in telemedicine utilization for routine HIV care.

However, there is limited information on perceptions of and experiences with telemedicine from United States (U.S.) federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) offering HIV care.

We sought to understand telemedicine experiences of stakeholders with various roles: people living with HIV (PLHIV), clinical (clinicians and case managers), programmatic (clinic administrators), and policy (policymakers).

Methods Qualitative interviews about benefits and challenges of telemedicine (telephone and video) for HIV care were conducted with 31 PLHIV and 23 other stakeholders (clinicians, case managers, clinic administrators, and policymakers).

Interviews were transcribed, translated to English if conducted in Spanish, coded, and analyzed for major themes.

Results Almost all PLHIV felt capable of engaging in telephone visits, with some expressing interest in learning how to use video visits as well.

Nearly all PLHIV wanted to continue telemedicine as part of their routine HIV care, and this was also endorsed by clinical, programmatic and policy stakeholders.

Interviewees agreed that telemedicine for HIV care has benefits for PLHIV, especially savings of time and transportation costs, which also reduced stress.

Clinical, programmatic, and policy stakeholders expressed concerns around patients’ technological literacy and resources, as well as their access to privacy, and some felt that PLHIV strongly preferred in-person visits.

These stakeholders also commonly reported clinic-level implementation challenges, including integrating telephone and video telemedicine into workflows and difficulty with video visit platforms.

Conclusions Telemedicine for HIV care, largely delivered via telephone (audio-only), was highly acceptable and feasible for both PLHIV, clinicians, and other stakeholders.

Addressing barriers for stakeholders in incorporating video visits will be important for the successful implementation of telemedicine with video as part of routine HIV care at FQHCs.

Walker, Daisy,Moucheraud, Corrina,Butler, Derrick,Vente, Jerome,Tangonan, Kevin,Shoptaw, Steven,Currier, Judith S.,Gladstein, Jay,Hoffman, Risa, 2023, Experiences with telemedicine for HIV care in two federally qualified health centers in Los Angeles: a qualitative study, BioMed Central





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