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Ishihara, Masashi Hikasa, Shinichi Tsukiji, Mariko Kunimoto, Yusuke Nobori, Kazuko Kimura, Takeshi Onishi, Kenta Yamamoto, Yuki Haruta, Kyohei Kashiwabara, Yohei Fujii, Kenji Shimabukuro, Shota Watanabe, Daichi Tsurumi, Hisashi Suzuki, Akio

BioMed Central


Medicine & Public Health



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antiretroviral therapy patient satisfaction people living with hiv long-acting injectable hiv patient included art study oral medications daily therapy drugs injectable long-acting


Background Long-acting injectable formulations for HIV infection have been approved and are now available in Japan.

Although not currently recommended as first-line drugs in Japanese or overseas guidelines, use of such formulations may increase, in accordance with patient conditions and preference.

We determine the level of satisfaction with current anti-HIV drugs and analyzed the preferences of patients who favor long-acting injectable drugs based on their satisfaction level with the present anti-HIV drugs.

Methods People living with HIV (PLWH) who had received antiretroviral therapy (ART) for at least one month and consented to the study between 1 April and 31 December 2021 were included in a survey conducted using a self-administered questionnaire.

The content of the survey included satisfaction with seven items (tablet size, ease and feeling when taking the medicine, color, taste, portability, daily oral therapy, and co-payment) related to the anti-HIV drugs they were taking and their need for future drugs (dosage form, frequency of dosing, long-acting injectable, etc.).

In addition, factors related to the need for long-acting injectable medications were analyzed with regard to the relationship with satisfaction with anti-HIV drugs.

Results Overall, 667 patients available for analysis were included in this study.

Satisfaction with anti-HIV drugs was highest with regard to “co-payment” and lowest with “daily oral therapy”.

Regarding the need for long-acting injectable medications, logistic regression analysis indicated that tablet size and daily oral therapy were significant predictors of patient preference for a once-every-eight-weeks intramuscular formulation in terms of their requirement for long-acting injectable medications (tablet size, OR = 2.14, 95%CI 1.030–4.430, p = 0.042; and daily oral therapy, OR = 1.75, 95%CI 1.010–3.030, p = 0.044).

Conclusions Patients currently receiving anti-HIV drugs who express dissatisfaction with tablet size and daily oral therapy may prefer a long-acting injectable formulation, taking into consideration patient age, employment status, ART history, frequency of daily dosage and concomitant medications other than ART.

Ishihara, Masashi,Hikasa, Shinichi,Tsukiji, Mariko,Kunimoto, Yusuke,Nobori, Kazuko,Kimura, Takeshi,Onishi, Kenta,Yamamoto, Yuki,Haruta, Kyohei,Kashiwabara, Yohei,Fujii, Kenji,Shimabukuro, Shota,Watanabe, Daichi,Tsurumi, Hisashi,Suzuki, Akio, 2023, Assessment of satisfaction with antiretroviral drugs and the need for long-acting injectable medicines among people living with HIV in Japan and its associated factors: a prospective multicenter cross-sectional observational study, BioMed Central





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