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Walas, Nikolina Slown, Samuel Amato, Heather K. Lloyd, Tyler Bender, Monica Varghese, Vici Pandori, Mark Graham, Jay P.

BioMed Central





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short-read whole genome sequencing... carbapenem resistance esbls ... plasmids sequence health antimicrobial identified plasmid-borne bla carbapenem plasmids coli resistant


Background Antimicrobial resistant infections continue to be a leading global public health crisis.

Mobile genetic elements, such as plasmids, have been shown to play a major role in the dissemination of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes.

Despite its ongoing threat to human health, surveillance of AMR in the United States is often limited to phenotypic resistance.

Genomic analyses are important to better understand the underlying resistance mechanisms, assess risk, and implement appropriate prevention strategies.

This study aimed to investigate the extent of plasmid mediated antimicrobial resistance that can be inferred from short read sequences of carbapenem resistant E. coli (CR-Ec) in Alameda County, California.

E. coli isolates from healthcare locations in Alameda County were sequenced using an Illumina MiSeq and assembled with Unicycler.

Genomes were categorized according to predefined multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST) schemes.

Resistance genes were identified and corresponding contigs were predicted to be plasmid-borne or chromosome-borne using two bioinformatic tools (MOB-suite and mlplasmids).

Results Among 82 of CR-Ec identified between 2017 and 2019, twenty-five sequence types (STs) were detected.

ST131 was the most prominent (n = 17) followed closely by ST405 (n = 12).

bla _CTX−M were the most common ESBL genes and just over half (18/30) of these genes were predicted to be plasmid-borne by both MOB-suite and mlplasmids.

Three genetically related groups of E. coli isolates were identified with cgMLST.

One of the groups contained an isolate with a chromosome-borne bla _CTX−M−15 gene and an isolate with a plasmid-borne bla _CTX−M−15 gene.

Conclusions This study provides insights into the dominant clonal groups driving carbapenem resistant E. coli infections in Alameda County, CA, USA clinical sites and highlights the relevance of whole-genome sequencing in routine local genomic surveillance.

The finding of multi-drug resistant plasmids harboring high-risk resistance genes is of concern as it indicates a risk of dissemination to previously susceptible clonal groups, potentially complicating clinical and public health intervention.

Walas, Nikolina,Slown, Samuel,Amato, Heather K.,Lloyd, Tyler,Bender, Monica,Varghese, Vici,Pandori, Mark,Graham, Jay P., 2023, The role of plasmids in carbapenem resistant E. coli in Alameda County, California, BioMed Central





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