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Original Research
Hale, Janet Fraser Terrien, Jill M Quirk, Mark Sullivan, Kate Cahan, Mitchell

Dove Medical Press


Advances in Medical Education and Practice



listing date


ability study control intervention surgical critical-thinking


PURPOSE: Critical thinking underlies several Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)-defined core entrustable professional activities (EPAs).

Critical-thinking ability affects health care quality and safety.

Tested tools to teach, assess, improve, and nurture good critical-thinking skills are needed.

This prospective randomized controlled pilot study evaluated the addition of deliberate reflection (DR), guidance with Web Initiative in Surgical Education (WISE-MD™) modules, to promote surgical clerks’ critical-thinking ability.

The goal was to promote the application of reflective awareness principles to enhance learning outcomes and critical thinking about the module content.

PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Surgical clerkship (SC) students were recruited from two different blocks and randomly assigned to a control or intervention group.

The intervention group was asked to record responses using a DR guide as they viewed two selected WISE-MD™ modules while the control group was asked to view two modules recording free thought.

We hypothesized that the intervention group would show a significantly greater pre- to postintervention increase in critical-thinking ability than students in the control group.

RESULTS: Neither group showed a difference in pre- and posttest free-thought critical-thinking outcomes; however, the intervention group verbalized more thoughtful clinical reasoning during the intervention.

CONCLUSION: Despite an unsupported hypothesis, this study provides a forum for discussion in medical education.

It took a sponsored tool in surgical education (WISE-MD™) and posed the toughest evaluation criteria of an educational intervention; does it affect the way we think?

and not just what we learn, but how we learn it?

The answer is significant and will require more resources before we arrive at a definitive answer.

Hale, Janet Fraser,Terrien, Jill M,Quirk, Mark,Sullivan, Kate,Cahan, Mitchell, 2018, The impact of deliberate reflection with WISE-MD™ modules on surgical clerkship students’ critical thinking: a prospective, randomized controlled pilot study, Dove Medical Press


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