Society for Neuroscience
The Journal of Neuroscience
To maintain stable posture of the head and body during our everyday activities, the brain integrates information across multiple sensory systems.
Here, we examined how the primate vestibular system, independently and in combination with visual sensory input, contributes to the sensorimotor control of head posture across the range of dynamic motion experienced during daily life.
We recorded activity of single motor units in the splenius capitis and sternocleidomastoid muscles in rhesus monkeys during yaw rotations spanning the physiological range of self-motion (up to 20 Hz) in darkness.
Splenius capitis motor unit responses continued to increase with frequency up to 16 Hz in normal animals, and were strikingly absent following bilateral peripheral vestibular loss.
To determine whether visual information modulated these vestibular-driven neck muscle responses, we experimentally controlled the correspondence between visual and vestibular cues of self-motion.
Surprisingly, visual information did not influence motor unit responses in normal animals, nor did it substitute for absent vestibular feedback following bilateral peripheral vestibular loss.
A comparison of muscle activity evoked by broadband versus sinusoidal head motion further revealed that low-frequency responses were attenuated when low- and high-frequency self-motion were experienced concurrently.
Finally, we found that vestibular-evoked responses were enhanced by increased autonomic arousal, quantified via pupil size.
Together, our findings directly establish the vestibular system's contribution to the sensorimotor control of head posture across the dynamic motion range experienced during everyday activities, as well as how vestibular, visual, and autonomic inputs are integrated for postural control.
SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Our sensory systems enable us to maintain control of our posture and balance as we move through the world.
Notably, the vestibular system senses motion of the head and sends motor commands, via vestibulospinal pathways, to axial and limb muscles to stabilize posture.
By recording the activity of single motor units, here we show, for the first time, that the vestibular system contributes to the sensorimotor control of head posture across the dynamic motion range experienced during everyday activities.
Our results further establish how vestibular, autonomic, and visual inputs are integrated for postural control.
This information is essential for understanding both the mechanisms underlying the control of posture and balance, and the impact of the loss of sensory function.
Mildren, Robyn L.,Cullen, Kathleen E., 2023, Vestibular Contributions to Primate Neck Postural Muscle Activity during Natural Motion, Society for Neuroscience