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Astrophysics - Instrumentation and... Computer Science - Digital Librari...
Sun, Zechang Ting, Yuan-Sen Liang, Yaobo Duan, Nan Huang, Song Cai, Zheng

sciences: astrophysics



listing date


language models astronomy machine learning concepts knowledge graph astronomical research


Identifying and predicting the factors that contribute to the success of interdisciplinary research is crucial for advancing scientific discovery.

However, there is a lack of methods to quantify the integration of new ideas and technological advancements in astronomical research and how these new technologies drive further scientific breakthroughs.

Large language models, with their ability to extract key concepts from vast literature beyond keyword searches, provide a new tool to quantify such processes.

In this study, we extracted concepts in astronomical research from 297,807 publications between 1993 and 2024 using large language models, resulting in a set of 24,939 concepts.

These concepts were then used to form a knowledge graph, where the link strength between any two concepts was determined by their relevance through the citation-reference relationships.

By calculating this relevance across different time periods, we quantified the impact of numerical simulations and machine learning on astronomical research.

The knowledge graph demonstrates two phases of development: a phase where the technology was integrated and another where the technology was explored in scientific discovery.

The knowledge graph reveals that despite machine learning has made much inroad in astronomy, there is currently a lack of new concept development at the intersection of AI and Astronomy, which may be the current bottleneck preventing machine learning from further transforming the field of astronomy.

;Comment: An interactive version of the knowledge graph is made publicly available at

Accepted to IJCAI 2024 AI4Research Workshop.

Comments are welcome

Sun, Zechang,Ting, Yuan-Sen,Liang, Yaobo,Duan, Nan,Huang, Song,Cai, Zheng, 2024, Knowledge Graph in Astronomical Research with Large Language Models: Quantifying Driving Forces in Interdisciplinary Scientific Discovery





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