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Astrophysics - High Energy Astroph...
Prokhorov, Dmitry A. Yang, Yi-Jung Ferrazzoli, Riccardo Vink, Jacco Slane, Patrick Costa, Enrico Silvestri, Stefano Zhou, Ping Bucciantini, Niccolò Di Marco, Alessandro Weisskopf, Martin C. Baldini, Luca Doroshenko, Victor Ehlert, Steven R. Heyl, Jeremy Kaaret, Philip Kim, Dawoon E. Marin, Frédéric Mizuno, Tsunefumi Ng, Chi-Yung Pesce-Rollins, Melissa Sgrò, Carmelo Soffitta, Paolo Swartz, Douglas A. Tamagawa, Toru Xie, Fei Agudo, Iván Antonelli, Lucio A. Bachetti, Matteo Baumgartner, Wayne H. Bellazzini, Ronaldo Bianchi, Stefano Bongiorno, Stephen D. Bonino, Raffaella Brez, Alessandro Capitanio, Fiamma Castellano, Simone Cavazzuti, Elisabetta Chen, Chien-Ting Ciprini, Stefano De Rosa, Alessandra Del Monte, Ettore Di Gesu, Laura Di Lalla, Niccolò Donnarumma, Immacolata Dovčiak, Michal Enoto, Teruaki Evangelista, Yuri Fabiani, Sergio García, Javier A. Gunji, Shuichi Iwakiri, Wataru Jorstad, Svetlana G. Karas, Vladimir Kislat, Fabian Kitaguchi, Takao Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J. Krawczynski, Henric La Monaca, Fabio Latronico, Luca Liodakis, Ioannis Maldera, Simone Manfreda, Alberto Marinucci, Andrea Marscher, Alan P. Marshall, Herman L. Massaro, Francesco Matt, Giorgio Mitsuishi, Ikuyuki Muleri, Fabio Negro, Michela O'Dell, Stephen L. Omodei, Nicola Oppedisano, Chiara Papitto, Alessandro Pavlov, George G. Peirson, Abel L. Perri, Matteo Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier Pilia, Maura Possenti, Andrea Poutanen, Juri Puccetti, Simonetta Ramsey, Brian D. Rankin, John Ratheesh, Ajay Roberts, Oliver J. Romani, Roger W. Spandre, Gloria Tavecchio, Fabrizio Taverna, Roberto Tawara, Yuzuru Tennant, Allyn F. Thomas, Nicholas E. Tombesi, Francesco Trois, Alessio Tsygankov, Sergey S. Turolla, Roberto Wu, Kinwah Zane, Silvia

sciences: astrophysics



listing date


fields x-ray tangential snrs magnetic


Synchrotron X-ray emission has been detected from nearly a dozen young supernova remnants (SNRs).

X-rays of synchrotron origin exhibit linear polarization in a regular, non-randomly oriented magnetic field.

The significant polarized X-ray emission from four such SNRs has already been reported on the basis of observations with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE).

The magnetic-field structure as derived from IXPE observations is radial for Cassiopeia A, Tycho's SNR, and SN 1006, and tangential for RX J1713.7-3946.

The latter together with the recent detection of a tangential magnetic field in SNR 1E 0102.2-7219 by the Australia Telescope Compact Array in the radio band shows that tangential magnetic fields can also be present in young SNRs.

Thus, the dichotomy in polarization between young and middle-aged SNRs (radial magnetic fields in young SNRs, but tangential magnetic fields in middle-aged SNRs), previously noticed in the radio band, deserves additional attention.

The present analysis of IXPE observations determines, for the first time, a magnetic-field structure in the northwestern rim of Vela Jr, also known as RX J0852.0-4622, and provides a new example of a young SNR with a tangential magnetic field.

;Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Prokhorov, Dmitry A.,Yang, Yi-Jung,Ferrazzoli, Riccardo,Vink, Jacco,Slane, Patrick,Costa, Enrico,Silvestri, Stefano,Zhou, Ping,Bucciantini, Niccolò,Di Marco, Alessandro,Weisskopf, Martin C.,Baldini, Luca,Doroshenko, Victor,Ehlert, Steven R.,Heyl, Jeremy,Kaaret, Philip,Kim, Dawoon E.,Marin, Frédéric,Mizuno, Tsunefumi,Ng, Chi-Yung,Pesce-Rollins, Melissa,Sgrò, Carmelo,Soffitta, Paolo,Swartz, Douglas A.,Tamagawa, Toru,Xie, Fei,Agudo, Iván,Antonelli, Lucio A.,Bachetti, Matteo,Baumgartner, Wayne H.,Bellazzini, Ronaldo,Bianchi, Stefano,Bongiorno, Stephen D.,Bonino, Raffaella,Brez, Alessandro,Capitanio, Fiamma,Castellano, Simone,Cavazzuti, Elisabetta,Chen, Chien-Ting,Ciprini, Stefano,De Rosa, Alessandra,Del Monte, Ettore,Di Gesu, Laura,Di Lalla, Niccolò,Donnarumma, Immacolata,Dovčiak, Michal,Enoto, Teruaki,Evangelista, Yuri,Fabiani, Sergio,García, Javier A.,Gunji, Shuichi,Iwakiri, Wataru,Jorstad, Svetlana G.,Karas, Vladimir,Kislat, Fabian,Kitaguchi, Takao,Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J.,Krawczynski, Henric,La Monaca, Fabio,Latronico, Luca,Liodakis, Ioannis,Maldera, Simone,Manfreda, Alberto,Marinucci, Andrea,Marscher, Alan P.,Marshall, Herman L.,Massaro, Francesco,Matt, Giorgio,Mitsuishi, Ikuyuki,Muleri, Fabio,Negro, Michela,O'Dell, Stephen L.,Omodei, Nicola,Oppedisano, Chiara,Papitto, Alessandro,Pavlov, George G.,Peirson, Abel L.,Perri, Matteo,Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier,Pilia, Maura,Possenti, Andrea,Poutanen, Juri,Puccetti, Simonetta,Ramsey, Brian D.,Rankin, John,Ratheesh, Ajay,Roberts, Oliver J.,Romani, Roger W.,Spandre, Gloria,Tavecchio, Fabrizio,Taverna, Roberto,Tawara, Yuzuru,Tennant, Allyn F.,Thomas, Nicholas E.,Tombesi, Francesco,Trois, Alessio,Tsygankov, Sergey S.,Turolla, Roberto,Wu, Kinwah,Zane, Silvia, 2024, Evidence for a shock-compressed magnetic field in the northwestern rim of Vela Jr. from X-ray polarimetry





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