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Ye, Shan Chen, Lu Murphy, Davan Wu, Jieying Zhang, Hui Liu, Hong Zou, Boliang Hou, Guanghao Zhang, Nan Yin, Tielun Smith, Richard A. Fan, Dongsheng

BioMed Central


Medicine & Public Health



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amyotrophic lateral sclerosis center for neurologic study bulbar... als functional rating scale–revise... bulbar function 0 scale patients chinese alsfrs-r < 0 001 als study cns-bfs_c score function total


Objective The Center for Neurologic Study Bulbar Function Scale (CNS-BFS) was specifically designed as a self-reported measure of bulbar function.

The purpose of this research was to validate the Chinese translation of the CNS-BFS_C as an effective measurement for the Chinese population with ALS.

Methods A total of 111 ALS patients were included in this study.

The CNS-BFS_C score, three bulbar function items from the ALSFRS-R, and visual analog scale (VAS) score for speech, swallowing and salivation were assessed in the present study.

Forty-six ALS patients were retested on the same scale 5–10 days after the first evaluation.

Results The CNS-BFS_C sialorrhea, speech and swallowing subscores were separately correlated with the VAS subscores ( p  < 0.001).

The CNS-BFS_C total score and sialorrhea and speech scores were significantly correlated with the ALSFRS-R bulbar subscore ( p  < 0.001).

The CNS-BFS_C total score and ALSFRS-R bulbar subscale score were highly predictive of a clinician diagnosis of impaired bulbar function (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.947 and 0.911, respectively; p  < 0.001).

A cutoff value for the CNS-BFS_C total score was selected by maximizing Youden’s index; this cutoff score was 33, with 86.4% sensitivity and 93.3% specificity.

The CNS-BFS_C total score and the sialorrhea, speech and swallowing subscores had good–retest reliability ( p  > 0.05).

The Cronbach’s α of the CNS-BFS_C was 0.972.

Conclusion The Chinese version of the CNS-BFS_C has acceptable efficacy and reliability for the assessment of bulbar dysfunction in ALS patients.

Ye, Shan,Chen, Lu,Murphy, Davan,Wu, Jieying,Zhang, Hui,Liu, Hong,Zou, Boliang,Hou, Guanghao,Zhang, Nan,Yin, Tielun,Smith, Richard A.,Fan, Dongsheng, 2024, Validation of the Center for Neurologic Study Bulbar Function Scale–Chinese version in a population with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, BioMed Central





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