ID kaart


Campos, Ángela-Sofía Ágredo Akineden, Ömer Fernández-Silva, Jorge A. Ramírez-Vásquez, Nicolás F.






vermelding datum


bulk tank milk total bacterial count antimicrobial resistance esbl milking spp coli isolates milk klebsiella


The objective of the study was to evaluate the frequency and genetic characteristics of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. and the risk factors associated with a high total bacterial count in bulk tank milk samples of dairy farms in three municipalities of the Antioquia Department, Colombia.

Fifteen samples were positive for E. coli and Klebsiella spp.

Subsequent analysis of the 16 S rRNA gene sequences confirmed these isolates included E. coli ( n  = 3), K. oxytoca ( n  = 11), and K. pneumoniae ( n  = 1).

None of the isolates was positive for ESBL identification by phenotypic methods, but the only the isolate of K. pneumoniae was positive for the bla SHV61 gene by sequence analysis.

The antibiotic susceptibility evaluation for all Klebsiella spp. isolates identified resistance to fosfomycin (50%; 6/12) and ampicillin (100%; 12/12).

While most of the herds maintain adequate hygienic quality, specific risk factors such as having more than 60 milking cows, frequent changes in milkers, milking in paddocks, and using a chlorinated product for pre-dipping have been identified as associated with a high total bacterial count > 100,000 CFU/mL in bulk tank milk.

However, certain variables including the milker being the owner of the animals and the proper washing and disinfection of the milking machine contribute to maintain a high level of hygiene and quality in the raw milk stored in the tanks.

In conclusion, the frequency of ESBL producers was relatively low, with only K. pneumoniae testing positive for the bla SHV ESBL type.

The presence of these bacteria in milk tanks represents a potential risk to public health for consumers of raw milk and its derivatives.

Campos, Ángela-Sofía Ágredo,Akineden, Ömer,Fernández-Silva, Jorge A.,Ramírez-Vásquez, Nicolás F., 2024, Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and risk factors associated with high total bacterial count in bulk tank milk from dairy farms in Colombia, Springer





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