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Kanaan, Hussein Chapalain, Annelise Chokr, Ali Doublet, Patricia Gilbert, Christophe

BioMed Central





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... rtx family lapd lapg type 1 secretion system virulence virulence embedded legionella rtxa role protein


Background Legionella pneumophila is a Gram-negative intracellular bacillus and is the causative agent of a severe form of pneumonia called Legionnaires’ disease which accounts for 2-9% of cases of community acquired pneumonia.

It produces an extremely large protein belonging to the RTX ( R epeats in T o X in) family, called RtxA, and we previously reported that RtxA is transported by a dedicated type 1 secretion system (T1SS) to the cell surface.

RTX proteins have been shown to participate in the virulence or biofilm formation of various bacteria, the most studied models being the pore forming hemolysin A (HlyA) of Escherichia coli and the biofilm associated protein LapA of P. fluorescens.

LapA localization depends on the enzymatic release by LapD/LapG complex activity.

This study aimed to elucidate the dual localization (cell surface associated or released state) of L. pneumophila RTX protein (RtxA) and whether this released versus sequestered state of RtxA plays a role in L. pneumophila virulence.

Results The hereby work reveals that, in vitro, LapG periplasmic protease cleaves RtxA N-terminus in the middle of a di-alanine motif (position 108–109).

Consistently, a strain lacking LapG protease maintains RtxA on the cell surface, whereas a strain lacking the c-di-GMP receptor LapD does not exhibit cell surface RtxA because of its continuous cleavage and release, as in the LapA-D-G model of Pseudomonas fluorescens .

Interestingly, our data point out a key role of RtxA in enhancing the infection process of amoeba cells, regardless of its location (embedded or released); therefore, this may be the result of a secondary role of this surface protein.

Conclusions This is the first experimental identification of the cleavage site within the RTX protein family.

The primary role of RtxA in Legionella is still questionable as in many other bacterial species, hence it sounds reasonable to propose a major function in biofilm formation, promoting cell aggregation when RtxA is embedded in the outer membrane and facilitating biofilm dispersion in case of RtxA release.

The role of RtxA in enhancing the infection process may be a result of its action on host cells (i.e., PDI interaction or pore-formation), and independently of its status (embedded or released).

Kanaan, Hussein,Chapalain, Annelise,Chokr, Ali,Doublet, Patricia,Gilbert, Christophe, 2024, Legionella pneumophila cell surface RtxA release by LapD/LapG and its role in virulence, BioMed Central





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