BioMed Central
BMC Cancer
INTRODUCTION: Screening of cancer is the maximum effort and critical element for providing health related care in order to decrease cancer related dealt because of the disease burden is in its advanced stages.
Unfortunately, advanced-stage presentation and late diagnosis of cancers endure a problem in low-income countries including Ethiopia.
However, there is scarcity of published articles about the problem in Ethiopia.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of advanced-stage -stage presentation of cancer at the time of diagnosis and associated factors among adult cancer patients at Northwest Amhara comprehensive Specialized Hospitals, oncology treatment units, Northwest Ethiopia, 2022.
METHODS: An institution based cross-sectional study was conducted in Northwest Amhara public referral hospitals on 422 study participants.
A systematic random sampling technique was performed.
The data were collected through face to face interview and document review via structured, pretested questionnaires.
Data version 4.6 and Stata version 14.0 software’s were used for data entry and analysis respectively.
Logistic regression were carried out to recognize factors associated with advanced-stage -stage presentation of cancer at the time of diagnosis.
Adjusted odds ratio with a 95% confidence interval were used to measure the strength of association.
Variables having p-value less than 0.2 in bivariable analysis were entered in to multivariable analysis; variables with a p-value < 0.05 were declared significantly associated with advanced-stage -stage presentation of cancer at the time of diagnosis.
RESULTS: The overall prevalence of advanced-stage presentation of cancer at the time of diagnosis was found to be 67.57%.
Age ≥ 60 years old patients (AOR = 6.10, 95%: (1.16–32.1)), patients had have a feeling of burden (AOR = 1.82, 95%, CI: (1.04–3.20)), and cancer patients with comorbidity illness (AOR = 2.40, 95%, CI: (1.40–4.12)) were significantly associated with advanced-stage presentation of cancer at the time of diagnosis.
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of advanced-stage presentation of cancer at the time of diagnosis was found to be high.
Its better, health care providers in oncology treatment facilities need to give special attention to older patients, having feeling of burden and cancer patient with comorbidity to reduce the risk of developing late stage presentation of cancer.
Wassie, Likinaw Abebaw,Mekonnen, Chilot Kassa,Tiruneh, Yenework Mulu,melkam, Mamaru,Belachew, Eyayaw Ashete,Zegeye, Alebachew Ferede, 2024, Advanced-stage presentation of cancer at the time of diagnosis and its associated factors among adult cancer patients at Northwest Amhara comprehensive specialized hospitals, Northwest Ethiopia 2022, BioMed Central