Computer Science
The demands on networks are increasing at a fast pace.
In particular, real-time applications have very strict network requirements.
However, building a network that hosts real-time applications is a cost-intensive endeavor, especially for experimental systems such as testbeds.
Systems that provide guaranteed real-time networking capabilities usually work with expensive software-defined switches.
In contrast, real-time networking systems based on low-cost hardware face the limitation of lower link speeds.
This paper fills this gap and presents Low-Cost Deterministic Networking (LCDN), a system designed to work with inexpensive, common off-the-shelf switches and devices.
LCDN works at Gigabit speed and enables powerful testbeds to host real-time applications with strict delay guarantees.
This paper also provides an evaluation of the determinism of the switch and a Raspberry Pi used as an end device to demonstrate the applicability of LCDN on inexpensive low-power reduced capacity apparatus.
Diederich, Philip,Deshpande, Yash,Becker, Laura,Kellerer, Wolfgang, 2024, LCDN: Providing Network Determinism with Low-Cost Switches