Computer Science
Since SLAs specify the contractual terms that are formally used between consumers and providers, there is a need to aggregate QoS requirements from the perspectives of Clouds, networks, and devices to deliver the promised IoT functionalities.
Therefore, the main objective of this chapter is to provide a conceptual model of SLA for the IoT as well as rich vocabularies to describe the QoS and domain-specific configuration parameters of the IoT on an end-to-end basis.
We first propose a conceptual model that identifies the main concepts that play a role in specifying end-to-end SLAs.
Then, we identify some of the most common QoS metrics and configuration parameters related to each concept.
We evaluated the proposed conceptual model using a goal-oriented approach, and the participants in the study reported a high level of satisfaction regarding the proposed conceptual model and its ability to capture main concepts in a general way.
Alqahtani, Awatif,Solaiman, Ellis,Ranjan, Rajiv, 2024, SLA Conceptual Model for IoT Applications