ID kaart

Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Gal...
Ward, Samuel Ruthven Costa, Tiago Harrison, Chris M. Mainieri, Vincenzo

wetenschappen: astrofysica



vermelding datum


kinetic $\dot{p} fluxes hot l/c$ clumpy outflows cold phase ism momentum agn outflow


Small-scale winds driven from accretion discs surrounding active galactic nuclei (AGN) are expected to launch kpc-scale outflows into their host galaxies.

However, the ways in which the structure of the interstellar medium (ISM) affects the multiphase content and impact of the outflow remains uncertain.

We present a series of numerical experiments featuring a realistic small-scale AGN wind with velocity $5\times 10^3-10^4\ \rm{km/s}$ interacting with an isolated galaxy disc with a manually-controlled clumpy ISM, followed at sub-pc resolution.

Our simulations are performed with AREPO and probe a wide range of AGN luminosities ($L=10^{43-47}\ \rm{erg/s}$) and ISM substructures.

In homogeneous discs, the AGN wind sweeps up an outflowing, cooling shell, where the emerging cold phase dominates the mass and kinetic energy budgets, reaching a momentum flux $\dot{p} \approx 7\ L/c$.

However, when the ISM is clumpy, outflow properties are profoundly different.

They contain small, long-lived ($> 5\ \rm{Myr}$), cold ($T<10^{4.5}\ \rm{K}$) cloudlets entrained in the faster, hot outflow phase, which are only present in the outflow if radiative cooling is included in the simulation.

While the cold phase dominates the mass of the outflow, most of the kinetic luminosity is now carried by a tenuous, hot phase with $T > 10^7 \ \rm K$.

While the hot phases reaches momentum fluxes $\dot{p} \approx (1 - 5)\ L/c$, energy-driven bubbles couple to the cold phase inefficiently, producing modest momentum fluxes $\dot{p} < L/c$ in the fast-outflowing cold gas.

These low momentum fluxes could lead to the outflows being misclassified as momentum-driven using common observational diagnostics.

We also show predictions for scaling relations between outflow properties and AGN luminosity and discuss the challenges in constraining outflow driving mechanisms and kinetic coupling efficiencies using observed quantities.

;Comment: Accepted to MNRAS.

23 pages, 14 plots, 1 table.

v2: minor update to Figure 11 to include observational fits from Bischetti+19

Ward, Samuel Ruthven,Costa, Tiago,Harrison, Chris M.,Mainieri, Vincenzo, 2024, AGN-driven outflows in clumpy media: multiphase structure and scaling relations





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