ID kaart

Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nonga...
Euclid Collaboration Paganin, L. Bonici, M. Carbone, C. Camera, S. Tutusaus, I. Davini, S. Bel, J. Tosi, S. Sciotti, D. Di Domizio, S. Risso, I. Testera, G. Sapone, D. Sakr, Z. Amara, A. Andreon, S. Auricchio, N. Baccigalupi, C. Baldi, M. Bardelli, S. Battaglia, P. Bender, R. Bernardeau, F. Bodendorf, C. Bonino, D. Branchini, E. Brescia, M. Brinchmann, J. Capobianco, V. Cardone, V. F. Carretero, J. Casas, S. Castellano, M. Castignani, G. Cavuoti, S. Cimatti, A. Colodro-Conde, C. Congedo, G. Conselice, C. J. Conversi, L. Copin, Y. Corcione, L. Costille, A. Courbin, F. Courtois, H. M. Crocce, M. Cropper, M. Da Silva, A. Degaudenzi, H. De Lucia, G. Di Giorgio, A. M. Dinis, J. Dubath, F. Duncan, C. A. J. Dupac, X. Dusini, S. Ealet, A. Farina, M. Farrens, S. Ferriol, S. Frailis, M. Franceschi, E. Galeotta, S. Garilli, B. George, K. Gillard, W. Gillis, B. Giocoli, C. Grazian, A. Grupp, F. Guzzo, L. Haugan, S. V. H. Holmes, W. Hook, I. Hormuth, F. Hornstrup, A. Ilić, S. Jahnke, K. Joachimi, B. Keihänen, E. Kermiche, S. Kiessling, A. Kilbinger, M. Kitching, T. Kubik, B. Kümmel, M. Kunz, M. Kurki-Suonio, H. Ligori, S. Lilje, P. B. Lindholm, V. Lloro, I. Mainetti, G. Maino, D. Maiorano, E. Mansutti, O. Marggraf, O. Markovic, K. Martinelli, M. Martinet, N. Marulli, F. Massey, R. McCracken, H. J. Medinaceli, E. Mei, S. Mellier, Y. Meneghetti, M. Merlin, E. Meylan, G. Moresco, M. Moscardini, L. Munari, E. Niemi, S. -M. Nightingale, J. W. Padilla, C. Paltani, S. Pasian, F. Pedersen, K. Percival, W. J. Pettorino, V. Pires, S. Polenta, G. Poncet, M. Popa, L. A. Pozzetti, L. Raison, F. Rebolo, R. Renzi, A. Rhodes, J. Riccio, G. Romelli, E. Roncarelli, M. Rossetti, E. Saglia, R. Sartoris, B. Schneider, P. Schrabback, T. Scodeggio, M. Secroun, A. Seidel, G. Serrano, S. Sirignano, C. Sirri, G. Stanco, L. Starck, J. -L. Steinwagner, J. Surace, C. Tallada-Crespí, P. Tavagnacco, D. Taylor, A. N. Tereno, I. Toledo-Moreo, R. Torradeflot, F. Valentijn, E. A. Valenziano, L. Vassallo, T. Veropalumbo, A. Wang, Y. Weller, J. Zacchei, A. Zamorani, G. Zoubian, J. Zucca, E. Biviano, A. Boucaud, A. Bozzo, E. Burigana, C. Calabrese, M. Di Ferdinando, D. Fabbian, G. Farinelli, R. Graciá-Carpio, J. Mauri, N. Scottez, V. Tenti, M. Viel, M. Wiesmann, M. Akrami, Y. Allevato, V. Anselmi, S. Ballardini, M. Blanchard, A. Borgani, S. Bruton, S. Cabanac, R. Calabro, A. Cappi, A. Carvalho, C. S. Castro, T. Cañas-Herrera, G. Chambers, K. C. Contarini, S. Cooray, A. R. Coupon, J. Desprez, G. Dole, H. Díaz-Sánchez, A. Vigo, J. A. Escartin Escoffier, S. Ferreira, P. G. Ferrero, I. Finelli, F. Fornari, F. Gabarra, L. Ganga, K. García-Bellido, J. Gaztanaga, E. Giacomini, F. Gozaliasl, G. Gregorio, A. Hall, A. Hildebrandt, H. Hjorth, J. Kajava, J. J. E. Kansal, V. Karagiannis, D. Kirkpatrick, C. C. Legrand, L. Loureiro, A. Macias-Perez, J. Maggio, G. Magliocchetti, M. Mannucci, F. Maoli, R. Martins, C. J. A. P. Matthew, S. Maurin, L. Metcalf, R. B. Migliaccio, M. Monaco, P. Morgante, G. Nadathur, S. Patrizii, L. Pezzotta, A. Popa, V. Porciani, C. Potter, D. Pöntinen, M. Rocci, P. -F. Sahlén, M. Schneider, A. Schultheis, M. Sereno, M. Tao, C. Tessore, N. Teyssier, R. Toft, S. Troja, A. Tucci, M. Valieri, C. Valiviita, J. Vergani, D. Verza, G. Vielzeuf, P.

wetenschappen: astrofysica



vermelding datum


analysis photometric weak cosmological cross-covariances forecasts harmonic 2d cross-correlation euclid lensing


We present cosmological parameter forecasts for the Euclid 6x2pt statistics, which include the galaxy clustering and weak lensing main probes together with previously neglected cross-covariance and cross-correlation signals between imaging/photometric and spectroscopic data.

The aim is understanding the impact of such terms on the Euclid performance.

We produce 6x2pt cosmological forecasts, considering two different techniques: the so-called harmonic and hybrid approaches, respectively.

In the first, we treat all the different Euclid probes in the same way, i.e. we consider only angular 2pt-statistics for spectroscopic and photometric clustering, as well as for weak lensing, analysing all their possible cross-covariances and cross-correlations in the spherical harmonic domain.

In the second, we do not account for negligible cross-covariances between the 3D and 2D data, but consider the combination of their cross-correlation with the auto-correlation signals.

We find that both cross-covariances and cross-correlation signals, have a negligible impact on the cosmological parameter constraints and, therefore, on the Euclid performance.

In the case of the hybrid approach, we attribute this result to the effect of the cross-correlation between weak lensing and photometric data, which is dominant with respect to other cross-correlation signals.

In the case of the 2D harmonic approach, we attribute this result to two main theoretical limitations of the 2D projected statistics implemented in this work according to the analysis of official Euclid forecasts: the high shot noise and the limited redshift range of the spectroscopic sample, together with the loss of radial information from subleading terms such as redshift-space distortions and lensing magnification.

Our analysis suggests that 2D and 3D Euclid data can be safely treated as independent, with a great saving in computational resources.

;Comment: 32 pages, 20 figures.

Comments are welcome

Euclid Collaboration,Paganin, L.,Bonici, M.,Carbone, C.,Camera, S.,Tutusaus, I.,Davini, S.,Bel, J.,Tosi, S.,Sciotti, D.,Di Domizio, S.,Risso, I.,Testera, G.,Sapone, D.,Sakr, Z.,Amara, A.,Andreon, S.,Auricchio, N.,Baccigalupi, C.,Baldi, M.,Bardelli, S.,Battaglia, P.,Bender, R.,Bernardeau, F.,Bodendorf, C.,Bonino, D.,Branchini, E.,Brescia, M.,Brinchmann, J.,Capobianco, V.,Cardone, V. F.,Carretero, J.,Casas, S.,Castellano, M.,Castignani, G.,Cavuoti, S.,Cimatti, A.,Colodro-Conde, C.,Congedo, G.,Conselice, C. J.,Conversi, L.,Copin, Y.,Corcione, L.,Costille, A.,Courbin, F.,Courtois, H. M.,Crocce, M.,Cropper, M.,Da Silva, A.,Degaudenzi, H.,De Lucia, G.,Di Giorgio, A. M.,Dinis, J.,Dubath, F.,Duncan, C. A. J.,Dupac, X.,Dusini, S.,Ealet, A.,Farina, M.,Farrens, S.,Ferriol, S.,Frailis, M.,Franceschi, E.,Galeotta, S.,Garilli, B.,George, K.,Gillard, W.,Gillis, B.,Giocoli, C.,Grazian, A.,Grupp, F.,Guzzo, L.,Haugan, S. V. H.,Holmes, W.,Hook, I.,Hormuth, F.,Hornstrup, A.,Ilić, S.,Jahnke, K.,Joachimi, B.,Keihänen, E.,Kermiche, S.,Kiessling, A.,Kilbinger, M.,Kitching, T.,Kubik, B.,Kümmel, M.,Kunz, M.,Kurki-Suonio, H.,Ligori, S.,Lilje, P. B.,Lindholm, V.,Lloro, I.,Mainetti, G.,Maino, D.,Maiorano, E.,Mansutti, O.,Marggraf, O.,Markovic, K.,Martinelli, M.,Martinet, N.,Marulli, F.,Massey, R.,McCracken, H. J.,Medinaceli, E.,Mei, S.,Mellier, Y.,Meneghetti, M.,Merlin, E.,Meylan, G.,Moresco, M.,Moscardini, L.,Munari, E.,Niemi, S. -M.,Nightingale, J. W.,Padilla, C.,Paltani, S.,Pasian, F.,Pedersen, K.,Percival, W. J.,Pettorino, V.,Pires, S.,Polenta, G.,Poncet, M.,Popa, L. A.,Pozzetti, L.,Raison, F.,Rebolo, R.,Renzi, A.,Rhodes, J.,Riccio, G.,Romelli, E.,Roncarelli, M.,Rossetti, E.,Saglia, R.,Sartoris, B.,Schneider, P.,Schrabback, T.,Scodeggio, M.,Secroun, A.,Seidel, G.,Serrano, S.,Sirignano, C.,Sirri, G.,Stanco, L.,Starck, J. -L.,Steinwagner, J.,Surace, C.,Tallada-Crespí, P.,Tavagnacco, D.,Taylor, A. N.,Tereno, I.,Toledo-Moreo, R.,Torradeflot, F.,Valentijn, E. A.,Valenziano, L.,Vassallo, T.,Veropalumbo, A.,Wang, Y.,Weller, J.,Zacchei, A.,Zamorani, G.,Zoubian, J.,Zucca, E.,Biviano, A.,Boucaud, A.,Bozzo, E.,Burigana, C.,Calabrese, M.,Di Ferdinando, D.,Fabbian, G.,Farinelli, R.,Graciá-Carpio, J.,Mauri, N.,Scottez, V.,Tenti, M.,Viel, M.,Wiesmann, M.,Akrami, Y.,Allevato, V.,Anselmi, S.,Ballardini, M.,Blanchard, A.,Borgani, S.,Bruton, S.,Cabanac, R.,Calabro, A.,Cappi, A.,Carvalho, C. S.,Castro, T.,Cañas-Herrera, G.,Chambers, K. C.,Contarini, S.,Cooray, A. R.,Coupon, J.,Desprez, G.,Dole, H.,Díaz-Sánchez, A.,Vigo, J. A. Escartin,Escoffier, S.,Ferreira, P. G.,Ferrero, I.,Finelli, F.,Fornari, F.,Gabarra, L.,Ganga, K.,García-Bellido, J.,Gaztanaga, E.,Giacomini, F.,Gozaliasl, G.,Gregorio, A.,Hall, A.,Hildebrandt, H.,Hjorth, J.,Kajava, J. J. E.,Kansal, V.,Karagiannis, D.,Kirkpatrick, C. C.,Legrand, L.,Loureiro, A.,Macias-Perez, J.,Maggio, G.,Magliocchetti, M.,Mannucci, F.,Maoli, R.,Martins, C. J. A. P.,Matthew, S.,Maurin, L.,Metcalf, R. B.,Migliaccio, M.,Monaco, P.,Morgante, G.,Nadathur, S.,Patrizii, L.,Pezzotta, A.,Popa, V.,Porciani, C.,Potter, D.,Pöntinen, M.,Rocci, P. -F.,Sahlén, M.,Schneider, A.,Schultheis, M.,Sereno, M.,Tao, C.,Tessore, N.,Teyssier, R.,Toft, S.,Troja, A.,Tucci, M.,Valieri, C.,Valiviita, J.,Vergani, D.,Verza, G.,Vielzeuf, P., 2024, Euclid preparation: 6x2 pt analysis of Euclid's spectroscopic and photometric data sets





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