wetenschappen: astrofysica
The pattern of nucleosynthesis during the explosion of a low-mass neutron star formed in a close binary system in the stripping scenario is considered.
In the scenario considered the shock arising during the explosion is shown to strongly heat the expanding neutron star matter.
The heavy nuclei produced at the preceding stage of nucleosynthesis are partially destroyed as a result of a sharp increase in the role of photonuclear reactions.
It is shown that even short-term heating of the matter by the shock can exert a noticeable influence on the results of the synthesis of elements in the r-process in the inner crust matter, while explosive nucleosynthesis gives rise to new elements in the outer crust matter with mass numbers A from 50 to 130.
;Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure and 1 table
Panov, Igor,Ignatovskiy, Anton,Yudin, Andrey, 2024, The Influence of a Shock on the Nucleosynthesis Developing during the Explosion of a Low-Mass Neutron Star