wetenschappen: astrofysica
In this paper we present three different applications, based on deep learning methodologies, that we are developing to support the scientific analysis conducted within the ASKAP-EMU and MeerKAT radio surveys.
One employs instance segmentation frameworks to detect compact and extended radio sources and imaging artefacts from radio continuum images.
Another application uses gradient boosting decision trees and convolutional neural networks to classify compact sources into different astronomical classes using combined radio and infrared multi-band images.
Finally, we discuss how self-supervised learning can be used to obtain valuable radio data representations for source detection, and classification studies.
;Comment: 4 pages, 0 figures, proceedings of the XXXIII Astronomical Data Analysis Software & Systems (ADASS) conference, 5-9 November 2023, Tucson, Arizona, USA
Riggi, S.,Cecconello, T.,Becciani, U.,Vitello, F., 2024, Detection and classification of radio sources with deep learning