wetenschappen: astrofysica
We use the Monte Carlo For AGN (active galactic nucleus) Channel Testing and Simulation (McFACTS, https://www.github.com/mcfacts/mcfacts) code to study the effect of AGN disk and nuclear star cluster parameters on predicted mass distributions for LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) compact binaries forming in AGN disks.
The assumptions we vary include the black hole (BH) initial mass function, disk model, disk size, disk lifetime, and the prograde-to-retrograde fraction of newly formed black hole binaries.
Broadly we find that dense, moderately short-lived AGN disks are preferred for producing a $(q,\chi_{\rm eff})$ anti-correlation like those identified from existing gravitational wave (GW) observations.
Additionally, a BH initial mass function (MF $\propto M^{-2}$) is preferred over a more top-heavy MF ($M^{-1}$).
The preferred fraction of prograde-to-retrograde is $>90\%$, to produce results consistent with observations.
;Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 18 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables
Cook, Harrison E.,McKernan, Barry,Ford, K. E. Saavik,Delfavero, Vera,Nathaniel, Kaila,Postiglione, Jake,Ray, Shawn,O'Shaughnessy, Richard, 2024, McFACTS II: Mass Ratio--Effective Spin Relationship of Black Hole Mergers in the AGN Channel