wetenschappen: astrofysica
We study the deflection of light rays in a cold, non-magnetized plasma using the worldline framework.
Starting from Synge's Hamiltonian formalism, we construct a position-space action and use it perturbatively to calculate light bending angles.
In the homogeneous case, the action reduces to that of a massive particle, allowing us to extract the bending angle of light in the presence of the medium using a well-known analogy.
For the inhomogeneous case, we consider a power law model and construct Feynman rules in time to compute the purely plasma-induced corrections to the bending angle at Next-to-Leading-Order (NLO).
;Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure
Comberiati, Francesco,de la Cruz, Leonardo, 2024, Gravitational lensing in a plasma from worldlines