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Original Article
Camoglio, Francesco S Peretti, Marta Bianchi, Federica Mariotto, Arianna Zampieri, Nicola

e-Century Publishing Corporation


American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology



listing date


varicocele study patients


Purpose: To evaluate the association between varicocele and MPV values in pediatric and adult patients.

And its association with different clinical parameters.

Materials and methods: We retrospectively analyzed the medical charts of patients treated for varicocele at our Institution between December 2010 and December 2014.

The study patients were divided into three groups: group 1- patients with varicocele without testicular hypotrophy treated for scrotal discomfort or infertility (percutaneous varicocelecomy-scheloembolization); group 2- (control group) patients without varicocele; group 3- patients with varicocele and testicular hypotrophy (laparoscopic varicocelectomy).

The study compared the grade of varicocele and MPV before surgery; age-related MPV and MPV cumulative value between the groups.

Results: After revision of the study 145 medical charts (group 1: 47 patients, group 2: 52 patients, group 3: 46 patients), and in compliance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria established, 127 patients were considered for the study; we evaluated 42 patients in group 1, 46 patients in group 2 and 39 patients in group 3.

Patients with varicocele had higher MPV value than controls but only in adulthood.

Testicular hypotrophy associated with varicocele is not a confusing factor.

Conclusions: Even if MPV is higher in adults with varicocele as reported by other studies, but this result is not thrue in adolescents and its is not correlated with testicular hypotrophy; some confunding factors, i.e. andrological disease or smoking status, could be the reasons of different results present on medical literature.

Camoglio, Francesco S,Peretti, Marta,Bianchi, Federica,Mariotto, Arianna,Zampieri, Nicola, 2015, Mean platelet volume and varicocele: comparison between adolescents and adults, e-Century Publishing Corporation





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