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Original Article
Margaritte-Jeannin, Patricia Vernet, Raphaël Budu-Aggrey, Ashley Ege, Markus Madore, Anne-Marie Linhard, Christophe Mohamdi, Hamida von Mutius, Erika Granell, Raquell Demenais, Florence Laprise, Cathrine Bouzigon, Emmanuelle Dizier, Marie-Hélène

The Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology; The Korean Academy of Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Disease


Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research



listing date


allergic eczema diseases tns1 exposure ets


PURPOSE: Numerous genes have been associated with allergic diseases (asthma, allergic rhinitis, and eczema), but they explain only part of their heritability.

This is partly because most previous studies ignored complex mechanisms such as gene-environment (G-E) interactions and complex phenotypes such as co-morbidity.

However, it was recently evidenced that the co-morbidity of asthma-plus-eczema appears as a sub-entity depending on specific genetic factors.

Besides, evidence also suggest that gene-by-early life environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure interactions play a role in asthma, but were never investigated for asthma-plus-eczema.

To identify genetic variants interacting with ETS exposure that influence asthma-plus-eczema susceptibility.

METHODS: To conduct a genome-wide interaction study (GWIS) of asthma-plus-eczema according to ETS exposure, we applied a 2-stage strategy with a first selection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from genome-wide association meta-analysis to be tested at a second stage by interaction meta-analysis.

All meta-analyses were conducted across 4 studies including a total of 5,516 European-ancestry individuals, of whom 1,164 had both asthma and eczema.

RESULTS: Two SNPs showed significant interactions with ETS exposure.

They were located in 2 genes, NRXN1 (2p16) and TNS1 (2q35), never reported associated and/or interacting with ETS exposure for asthma, eczema or more generally for allergic diseases.

TNS1 is a promising candidate gene because of its link to lung and skin diseases with possible interactive effect with tobacco smoke exposure.

CONCLUSIONS: This first GWIS of asthma-plus-eczema with ETS exposure underlines the importance of studying sub-phenotypes such as co-morbidities as well as G-E interactions to detect new susceptibility genes.

Margaritte-Jeannin, Patricia,Vernet, Raphaël,Budu-Aggrey, Ashley,Ege, Markus,Madore, Anne-Marie,Linhard, Christophe,Mohamdi, Hamida,von Mutius, Erika,Granell, Raquell,Demenais, Florence,Laprise, Cathrine,Bouzigon, Emmanuelle,Dizier, Marie-Hélène, 2023, TNS1 and NRXN1 Genes Interacting With Early-Life Smoking Exposure in Asthma-Plus-Eczema Susceptibility, The Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology; The Korean Academy of Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Disease


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