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Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Gal... Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar A...
Bartkiewicz, A. Sanna, A. Szymczak, M. Moscadelli, L. van Langevelde, H. J. Wolak, P. Kobak, A. Durjasz, M.

sciences: astrophysics



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five methanol emission rings g23 astrophysics maser


Methanol masers at 6.7~GHz are well-known signposts of high-mass star-forming regions.

[...] We aim to understand the origin of the ring-like structures outlined by methanol maser emission in a number of sources.

This emission could be, a priori, spatially associated with an outflow and/or disc around a high-mass protostar.

[...] Using sensitive, three-epoch observations spanning over eight years with the European VLBI Network, we have started the most direct investigations of maser rings using very accurate proper motion measurements with uncertainties below 1\,km~s$^{-1}$.

We present full results for the five targets of our sample, G23.207-00.377, G23.389+00.185, G28.817+00.365, G31.047+00.356, and G31.581+00.077, where proper motions show similar characteristics; maser cloudlets do not move inwards towards the centre of the rings but rather outwards.

We also include the most circular source, G23.657-00.127, in the discussion as a reference.

The magnitude of maser proper motions ranges from a maximum of about 13\,km~s$^{-1}$ to 0.5~km~s$^{-1}$.

In two of the five sources with a high number of maser spots (>100), namely G23.207-00.377 and G23.389+00.185, we show that the size of the best elliptical model, fitted to the distribution of persistent masers, increases in time in a manner similar to the case of G23.657-00.127.

Moreover, we checked the separations between the pairs of spots from distinct regions, and we were able to assess that G28.817+00.365 and G31.047+00.356 can be interpreted as showing expanding motions.

We analysed the profiles of single maser cloudlets and studied their variability.

Contrary to single-dish studies, the interferometric data indicate variability of the emission of single-masing cloudlets.

In five of the six targets expansion motions prevail.

Only in the case of G31.581+00.077 can a scenario of disc-like rotation not be excluded.

[...] ;Comment: 24 pages, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics

Bartkiewicz, A.,Sanna, A.,Szymczak, M.,Moscadelli, L.,van Langevelde, H. J.,Wolak, P.,Kobak, A.,Durjasz, M., 2024, Proper motion study of the 6.7 GHz methanol maser rings. I. A sample of sources with little variation





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