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Labeit, Bendix Lapa, Sriramya Muhle, Paul Suntrup-Krueger, Sonja Claus, Inga Gandor, Florin Ahring, Sigrid Oelenberg, Stephan Dziewas, Rainer Warnecke, Tobias



Medicine & Public Health



fecha de cotización


Palabras clave
digest oropharyngeal dysphagia parkinson aspiration pneumonia malnutrition validity dysphagia pharyngeal swallowing overall outcome digest-fees = 0 pd < 0 001


Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) is one of two diagnostic gold standards for pharyngeal dysphagia in Parkinson's disease (PD), however, validated global outcome measures at the patient level are widely lacking.

The Dynamic Imaging Grade of Swallowing Toxicity for Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (DIGEST-FEES) represents such an outcome measure but has been validated primarily for head and neck cancer collectives.

The objective of this study was, therefore, to investigate the validity of the DIGEST-FEES in patients with PD.

Content validity was evaluated with a modified Delphi expert survey.

Subsequently, 66 FEES videos in PD patients were scored with the DIGEST-FEES.

Criterion validity was determined using Spearman's correlation coefficient between the DIGEST-FEES and the Penetration-Aspiration Scale (PAS), the Yale-Residue-Rating-Scale, the Functional-Oral-Intake-Scale (FOIS), and the swallowing-related Unified-Parkinson-Disease-Rating-Scale (UPDRS) items.

Inter-rater reliability was determined using 10 randomly selected FEES-videos examined by a second rater.

As a result, the overall DIGEST-FEES-rating exhibited significant correlations with the Yale-Valleculae-Residue-Scale ( r  = 0.84; p  < 0.001), the Yale-Pyriform-Sinus-Residue-Scale ( r  = 0.70; p  < 0.001), the FOIS ( r  =  − 0.55, p  < 0.001), and the UPDRS-Swallowing-Item-Score ( r  = 0.42, p  < 0.001).

Further, the DIGEST-FEES-safety subscore correlated with the PAS ( r  = 0.63, p  < 0.001).

Inter-rater reliability was high for the overall DIGEST-FEES rating (quadratic weighted kappa of 0.82).

Therefore, DIGEST-FEES is a valid and reliable score to evaluate overall pharyngeal dysphagia severity in PD.

Nevertheless, the modified Delphi survey identified domains where DIGEST-FEES may need to be specifically adapted to PD or neurological collectives in the future.

Labeit, Bendix,Lapa, Sriramya,Muhle, Paul,Suntrup-Krueger, Sonja,Claus, Inga,Gandor, Florin,Ahring, Sigrid,Oelenberg, Stephan,Dziewas, Rainer,Warnecke, Tobias, 2023, Validation of the DIGEST-FEES as a Global Outcome Measure for Pharyngeal Dysphagia in Parkinson’s Disease, Springer





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