Noticias en su idioma
El dilema del pan en una dieta saludable: “Este alimento no es el responsable de la obesidad” 28/04/2024
El consumo de este producto cae en picado desde hace décadas. Los expertos aseguran que no engorda tanto como se cree y es más digestivo si se opta por un preparado lento, con cereal integral y masa madre de cultivo
La contaminación lumínica es un factor de riesgo en múltiples enfermedades: “Estamos ante una amenaza global” 27/04/2024
La exposición a la luz exterior durante la noche afecta al reloj biológico o al sueño, y un estudio reciente la asocia a una mayor probabilidad de sufrir un ictus
El enigma de la rara mutación que protege del cáncer y los infartos 27/04/2024
El estudio de varias familias con síndrome de Laron abre la posibilidad a buscar un fármaco o una dieta que pudiera imitar los efectos beneficiosos de esta mutación
El arte de doblar papel 26/04/2024
¿Cuántas veces y de cuántas maneras distintas puedes doblar una hoja de papel?
Las siete mentiras del catedrático que se cita a sí mismo miles de veces 26/04/2024
Juan Manuel Corchado ha logrado ser el único candidato a rector de la Universidad de Salamanca pese a falsificar su currículum hasta parecer una eminencia mundial
Noticias Internacionales
5 extraordinary ideas about the mind and what it means to be conscious 26/04/2024
To celebrate the launch of our new event series in the US, kicking off with a masterclass on the brain and consciousness, we have unlocked five incredible long reads
Rare mutation that causes short stature may shed light on ageing 26/04/2024
The genetic variant, which causes people to be insensitive to growth hormone, may also protect people from heart disease
Alpacas are the only mammals known to directly inseminate the uterus 26/04/2024
When alpacas mate, males deposit sperm directly into the uterus, a reproductive strategy not confirmed in any other mammals
As Bird Flu Spreads through Cows, Is Pasteurized Milk Safe to Drink? 26/04/2024

H5N1 influenza virus particles have been detected in commercially sold milk, but it’s not clear how the virus is spreading in cattle or whether their milk could infect humans

People Keep Secrets Because They Overestimate Harsh Judgments 26/04/2024

Research suggests that people tend to exaggerate how critically they will be viewed if they reveal negative information about themselves to others

How Unhealthy Are Ultra-Processed Foods? 26/04/2024

Processed foods have been blamed for many health problems, but dietary research is tricky and nuanced

Audio long read: Why loneliness is bad for your health 26/04/2024
New research is revealing the mechanisms linking loneliness and conditions like dementia, depression and cardiovascular disease.
Could a rare mutation that causes dwarfism also slow ageing? 26/04/2024
People with Laron syndrome have a low risk of heart disease and a number of other age-related disorders, hinting at strategies for new treatments.
Want to make a difference? Try working at an environmental non-profit organization 26/04/2024
Moving to non-profit work requires researchers to shift their mindset to focus on applied science for policymaking and conservation practice.
Future of Humanity Institute shuts: what’s next for ‘deep future’ research? 26/04/2024
Researchers from several disciplines hope to predict — and prevent — scenarios that pose risks to humanity.
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