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Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Gal... Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar A...
Dinnbier, František Anderson, Richard I. Kroupa, Pavel

ciencias: astrofísica



fecha de cotización


Palabras clave
binaries mid-b approximately companion stellar dynamical star multiplicity cepheid mass cluster astrophysics cepheids binary fraction clusters


Classical Cepheid variable stars provide a unique probe to binary evolution in intermediate-mass stars over the course of several tens to hundreds of Myr.

We studied the binary and multiple properties of Cepheids, assuming that all mid-B stars form in binaries inside star clusters.

The binaries were subjected both to stellar evolution and dynamical encounters with other stars in the cluster.

The dynamical cluster environment results in a higher binary fraction among the Cepheids that remain in star clusters ($\approx 60$%) than among the Cepheids which have escaped to the field ($\approx 35$%).

In clusters, the binary, triple, and multiple fraction decreases with increasing cluster mass.

More massive clusters have binaries of shorter orbital periods than lower mass clusters and field Cepheids.

Mergers are very common with $\approx 30$% of mid-B stars not evolving to Cepheids because of the interaction with their companion.

Approximately $40$ % of Cepheids have merged with their companion, and the merger event impacts stellar evolution; the age of Cepheids expected from their mass can differ from the age of their host cluster.

Our models predict that one in five Cepheids is the result of a merger between stars with mass below the lower mass limit for Cepheids; in clusters, these objects occur substantially later than expected from their mass.

Approximately $3$ to $5$ % of all Cepheids have a compact companion ($\approx 0.15$ % of all Cepheids are accompanied by a black hole).

The binary fraction derived from our simulations (42%) underestimates the observed binary Cepheid fraction by approximately a factor of 2.

This suggests that the true multiplicity fraction of B-stars at birth could be substantially larger than unity and, thus, that mid-B stars may typically form in triple and higher order systems.

;Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables.

Accepted for publication in A&A

Dinnbier, František,Anderson, Richard I.,Kroupa, Pavel, 2024, On the dynamical evolution of Cepheid multiplicity in star clusters and its implications for B-star multiplicity at birth





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