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Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary... Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Gal... Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar A...
Winter, Andrew J. Benisty, Myriam Shuai, Linling Dûchene, Gaspard Cuello, Nicolás Anania, Rossella Cadiou, Corentin Joncour, Isabelle

ciencias: astrofísica



fecha de cotización


Palabras clave
truncating 1$ stellar dynamical mass $\sim discs taurus star-disc disc astrophysics


Stars and planets form in regions of enhanced stellar density, subjecting protoplanetary discs to gravitational perturbations from neighbouring stars.

Observations in the Taurus star-forming have uncovered evidence of at least three recent, star-disc encounters that have truncated discs (HV/DO Tau, RW Aurigae, UX Tau), raising questions about the frequency of such events.

We aim to assess the probability of observing truncating star-disc encounters in Taurus.

We generate a physically motivated dynamical model including binaries and spatial-kinematic substructure to follow the historical dynamical evolution and stellar encounters in the Taurus star forming region.

We track the star-disc encounters and outer disc radius evolution over the lifetime of Taurus.

A quarter of discs are truncated below 30 au by dynamical encounters, but this truncation mostly occurs in binaries over the course of a few orbital periods, on a time-scale $\lesssim 0.1$ Myr.

Nonetheless, some truncating encounters still occur up to the present age of Taurus.

Strongly truncating encounters (ejecting $\gtrsim 10$ percent of the disc mass) occur at a rate $\sim 10$ Myr$^{-1}$, sufficient to explain the encounter between HV and DO Tau $\sim 0.1$ Myr ago.

If encounters that eject only $\sim 1$ percent of the disc mass are responsible for RW Aurigae and UX Tau, then they are also expected with encounter rate $\Gamma_\mathrm{enc} \sim 100{-}200$ Myr$^{-1}$.

However, the observed sample of recent encounters is probably incomplete, since these examples occurred in systems that are not consistent with random drawing from the mass function.

One more observed example would statistically imply additional physics, such as replenishment of the outer disc material.

;Comment: 20 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Winter, Andrew J.,Benisty, Myriam,Shuai, Linling,Dûchene, Gaspard,Cuello, Nicolás,Anania, Rossella,Cadiou, Corentin,Joncour, Isabelle, 2024, Running with the Bulls: The frequency of star-disc encounters in the Taurus star forming region





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