detalle del documento

Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Gal...
Contini, Emanuele Spavone, Marilena Ragusa, Rossella Iodice, Enrichetta Yi, Sukyoung K.

ciencias: astrofísica



fecha de cotización


Palabras clave
data galaxies model theoretical galaxy diffuse halos halo radius mass stellar


We present theoretical predictions and extrapolations from observed data of the stellar halos surrounding central group/cluster galaxies and the transition radius between them and the intracluster or diffuse light.

Leveraging the state-of-the-art semi-analytic model of galaxy formation, {\small FEGA} (\citealt{contini2024c}), applied to two dark matter-only cosmological simulations, we derive both the stellar halo mass and its radius.

Using theoretical assumptions about the diffuse light distribution and halo concentration, we extrapolate the same information for observed data from the {\small VEGAS} survey (\citealt{capaccioli2015,iodice2021}).

Our model, supported by observational data and independent simulation results, predicts an increasing transition radius with halo mass, a constant stellar halo-to-intracluster light ratio, and a stable stellar halo mass fraction with increasing halo mass.

Specifically, we find that the transition radius between the stellar halo and the diffuse light ranges from 20 to 250 kpc, from Milky Way-like halos to large clusters, while the stellar halo mass comprises only a small fraction, between 7\% and 18\%, of the total stellar mass within the virial radius.

These results support the idea that the stellar halo can be viewed as a transition region between the stars bound to the galaxy and those belonging to the intracluster light, consistent with recent observations and theoretical predictions.

;Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures.

Accepted for publication in A&A

Contini, Emanuele,Spavone, Marilena,Ragusa, Rossella,Iodice, Enrichetta,Yi, Sukyoung K., 2024, Stellar Halos of Bright Central Galaxies: A View from the FEGA Semi-Analytic Model of Galaxy Formation and VEGAS Survey





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