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Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Gal... Astrophysics - High Energy Astroph...
Popesso, P. Biviano, A. Marini, I. Dolag, K. Vladutescu-Zopp, S. Csizi, B. Biffi, V. Lamer, G. Robothan, A. Bravo, M. Lovisari, L. Ettori, S. Angelinelli, M. Driver, S. Toptun, V. Dev, A. Mazengo, D. Merloni, A. Comparat, J. Ponti, G. Mroczkowski, T. Bulbul, E. Grandis, S. Bahar, E.

ciencias: astrofísica



fecha de cotización


Palabras clave
x-ray clusters data astrophysics simulations consistent hot fraction


By using eROSITA data in the eFEDS area, we provide a measure of the hot gas fraction vs. halo mass relation over the largest halo mass range, from Milky Way-sized halos to massive clusters, and to the largest radii ever probed so far in local systems.

To cope with the incompleteness and selection biases of the X-ray selection, we apply the stacking technique in eROSITA data of a highly complete and tested sample of optically selected groups.

The method has been extensively tested on mock observations.

In massive clusters, the hot gas alone provides a baryon budget within $R_{200}$ consistent with the cosmic value.

At the same time, at the group mass scale, it accounts only for 20-40% of it.

The hot gas fraction vs. halo mass relation is well-fitted by a power law, with a consistent shape and a normalization varying at maximum by a factor of 2 from $r_{500}$ to $r_{200}$.

Such a relation is consistent with other works in the literature that consider X-ray survey data at the same depth as eFEDS.

However, it provides a lower average gas fraction in the group regime than works based on X-ray bright group samples.

The comparison of the observed relation with the predictions of several hydrodynamical simulations (BAHAMAS, FLAMINGO, SIMBA, Illustris, IllustrisTNG, MillenniumTNG, and Magneticum) shows that all simulations but Magneticum and SIMBA overpredict the gas fraction, with the largest discrepancy (up to a factor of 3) in the massive group-poor cluster halo mass range.

We emphasize the need for mechanisms that can effectively expel gas to larger radii in galaxy groups without excessively quenching star formation in their member galaxies.

Current hydrodynamical simulations face a significant challenge in balancing their subgrid physics: none can sufficiently evacuate gas from the halo virial region without negatively impacting the properties of the resident galaxy population.

;Comment: submitted to A&A, 11 pages, 8 figures.

Abstract reduced for ArXiv submission

Popesso, P.,Biviano, A.,Marini, I.,Dolag, K.,Vladutescu-Zopp, S.,Csizi, B.,Biffi, V.,Lamer, G.,Robothan, A.,Bravo, M.,Lovisari, L.,Ettori, S.,Angelinelli, M.,Driver, S.,Toptun, V.,Dev, A.,Mazengo, D.,Merloni, A.,Comparat, J.,Ponti, G.,Mroczkowski, T.,Bulbul, E.,Grandis, S.,Bahar, E., 2024, The hot gas mass fraction in halos. From Milky Way-like groups to massive clusters





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