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Computer Science - Information Ret... Computer Science - Artificial Inte... Computer Science - Computation and...
Pradeep, Ronak Thakur, Nandan Sharifymoghaddam, Sahel Zhang, Eric Nguyen, Ryan Campos, Daniel Craswell, Nick Lin, Jimmy

Computer Science



Date de référencement


Mots clés
baselines framework search ragnar\ ok rag


Did you try out the new Bing Search?

Or maybe you fiddled around with Google AI~Overviews?

These might sound familiar because the modern-day search stack has recently evolved to include retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems.

They allow searching and incorporating real-time data into large language models (LLMs) to provide a well-informed, attributed, concise summary in contrast to the traditional search paradigm that relies on displaying a ranked list of documents.

Therefore, given these recent advancements, it is crucial to have an arena to build, test, visualize, and systematically evaluate RAG-based search systems.

With this in mind, we propose the TREC 2024 RAG Track to foster innovation in evaluating RAG systems.

In our work, we lay out the steps we've made towards making this track a reality -- we describe the details of our reusable framework, Ragnar\"ok, explain the curation of the new MS MARCO V2.1 collection choice, release the development topics for the track, and standardize the I/O definitions which assist the end user.

Next, using Ragnar\"ok, we identify and provide key industrial baselines such as OpenAI's GPT-4o or Cohere's Command R+.

Further, we introduce a web-based user interface for an interactive arena allowing benchmarking pairwise RAG systems by crowdsourcing.

We open-source our Ragnar\"ok framework and baselines to achieve a unified standard for future RAG systems.

Pradeep, Ronak,Thakur, Nandan,Sharifymoghaddam, Sahel,Zhang, Eric,Nguyen, Ryan,Campos, Daniel,Craswell, Nick,Lin, Jimmy, 2024, Ragnar\"ok: A Reusable RAG Framework and Baselines for TREC 2024 Retrieval-Augmented Generation Track





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