Computer Science
Real-time robot actuation is one of the main challenges to overcome in human-robot interaction.
Most visual sensors are either too slow or their data are too complex to provide meaningful information and low latency input to a robotic system.
Data output of an event camera is high-frequency and extremely lightweight, with only 8 bytes per event.
To evaluate the hypothesis of using event cameras as data source for a real-time robotic system, the position of a waving hand is acquired from the event data and transmitted to a collaborative robot as a movement command.
A total time delay of 110 ms was measured between the original movement and the robot movement, where much of the delay is caused by the robot dynamics.
;Comment: The 5th IFToMM ITALY Conference, IFIT 2024
Duarte, Laura,Polito, Michele,Gastaldi, Laura,Neto, Pedro,Pastorelli, Stefano, 2024, Demonstration of real-time event camera to collaborative robot communication